This class was created by Brainscape user Ellen White. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Prelims To Prosecution
What is consequence of police fai...,
Define interview,
When might caution not be necessary
48  cards
Define remand,
Where do we find the presumption ...,
Where does right to bail not exist
40  cards
First Hearings
When does the prosecutor need to ...,
When must an accused be provided ...,
What is the purpose of initial de...
41  cards
In what circumstances do the stat...,
What is the process enivsaged by ...,
To what cases does legislation ar...
31  cards
What is the general rule as to co...,
What is the test for determining ...,
Who is always incompetent to give...
34  cards
What are the four rules for provi...,
What is the status of a electroni...,
Who is responsible for indictment...
28  cards
Prelims to trial in CC
What are the consequences of bein...,
What is procedure if accused subs...,
What is process for arraignment
19  cards
Rules on Examining Witnesses
What is the purpose of xic,
What are the general rules govern...,
In what circumstances can a witne...
46  cards
Visual Identification evidence
What is the purpose of pace code d,
What is not identification eviden...,
When will turnball warnings need ...
16  cards
Confessions and unlawfully/unfairly obtained evidence
What is the general rule as to ad...,
What is the definition of confession,
How is a retracted guilty plea tr...
43  cards
What inference may be drawn from ...,
When should a lucas direction be ...,
Where is a lucas direction not re...
32  cards
Character Evidence
What is the definition of bad cha...,
What does misconduct mean,
Must the misconduct be previous t...
63  cards
Hearsay Evidence
Under s114 what are the 4 categor...,
What is the definition of hearsay...,
What is definition of a statement
44  cards
Summary Trial Procedure
How can pre trial rulings be varied,
What is the general rule when d i...,
What should court consider when d...
16  cards
Jury Trial
What are the rules aorund presenc...,
What exceptions exist for rule th...,
How must judge ensure fair trial ...
29  cards
Sentencing Principles
What are the s57 purposes of sent...,
How is the seriousness of an offe...,
What aggravating factors must the...
29  cards
non-custodial sentences
When is an absolute discharge ava...,
What is the condition of a cond disc,
What is the consequence of breach...
14  cards
Custodial Sentences and Ancillary Orders
What is the threshold for custodi...,
How long should a sentence be,
What is the effect of days spent ...
31  cards
Appeals from Mags
What power do the magistrates hav...,
What power do mags have to alter ...,
In what circumstances could mags ...
29  cards
Youth Process
What are the age bands for child ...,
What is the age of criminal respo...,
What are the exceptions to the ru...
27  cards
Appeals from CC
Within what time limit can a sent...,
What is the ccs power to vary sen...,
What type of appeals does statute...
8  cards

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criminal lit

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