WJEC criminology- Level 3 Advanced Diploma

This class was created by Brainscape user Aneka Mihajlovic-Guest. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (127)

0  cards
legal or illegal and punishment
What is legal 1,
What is illegal 2,
Punishment for speeding 3
13  cards
types of crime
Blank 1,
Different types of crime 2,
Examples of crime 3
8  cards
white collar crimes
What are white collar crimes 1,
What are some examples of white c...,
What are the types of white colla...
11  cards
state crime
What is a state crime 1,
Examples of state crimes 2,
What doe state crimes breach 3
10  cards
Rwanda genocide
research/ case study
9  cards
moral crime
What is a moral crime 1,
Examples of moral crimes 2,
What do these crimes break 3
3  cards
What is county lines 1,
Examples of what happens in count...,
What happens to the children in c...
7  cards
technological crime- cybercrime
12  cards
hate crime
What are the protected characteri...,
What is the crown prosecution ser...,
Who are the offenders of hate cri...
10  cards
honour crime
What is honour crime 1,
Examples of honour crimes 2,
Who are the offenders of honour c...
5  cards
domestic violence
What is domestic violence 1,
Examples of domestic violence abu...,
What is psychological abuse 3
11  cards
0  cards
unreported crimes
Reasons as to why crimes may go u...,
What are personal reasons 2,
What are social and cultural reas...
3  cards
personal reasons
Examples of personal reasons 1,
Shame in unreported crimes 2,
Example of a crime that may go un...
9  cards
social and cultural reasons
Examples of social and cultural r...,
Lack of knowledge in unreported c...,
Example of a crime that may go un...
11  cards
0  cards
consequences of unreported crime
9  cards
crimes in the media
Examples of media 1,
Sensationalise definition 2,
Misrepresent definition 3
6  cards
newspapers- crimes in the media
What are the types of newspaper 1,
What is a tabloid newspaper 2,
Examples of tabloid newspapers 3
11  cards
newspaper values
What are the news values 1,
Immediacy 2,
What is dramatisation 3
9  cards
television- crimes in the media
What is television used for regar...,
What are the two types of crime i...,
What is factional television 3
17  cards
0  cards
films- crimes in the media
Films and recording crimes 1,
Influence of film crimes on indiv...,
Examples of films and recording c...
3  cards
gaming- crimes in the media
Examples of crimes in games 1,
Call of duty and crimes 2,
Assassins creed and crimes 3
12  cards
social media- crimes in the media
Negatives of social media with pr...,
Promoting crimes on social media 2,
Examples of criminals uploading t...
6  cards
music- crimes in the media
How can music promote or include ...,
Music and music videos turning cr...,
Examples of music that can promot...
6  cards
0  cards
media representation- impact 1.5
3  cards
moral panic- Mods and Rockers- media representation
What is moral panic 1,
How does the public react to medi...,
Case study mods and rockers 3
10  cards
moral panic
Examples of how can media misrepr...,
What does the media not present w...,
How does the media tell and cross...
7  cards
changing public concerns and attitude- islamophobia and terrorism
How can the media affect on gover...,
Islamophobia and terrorism in the...,
What affect did the 9 11 attacks ...
8  cards
changing public concerns and attitude- homophobia
1980s public attitude towards lgbt 1,
Authority attitude towards those ...,
Tabloid newspapers and gay men 3
6  cards
perceptions of crime trends
How does the media cover crime 1,
What does research suggest 2,
England and wales 2020 crime surv...
7  cards
stereotyping criminals
What is a stereotype 1,
What does cicourel suggest 2,
What are typifications 3
9  cards
response and punishment
Response defintion 1,
Punishment definition 2,
London riots 2011 3
5  cards
priorities and emphasis
How can major criminal events alt...,
Examples of terrorism 2,
Government responses to terrorism...
6  cards
0  cards
crime statistics
Sources of crime statistics 1,
What is the home office statistic...,
What is the crime survey for engl...
10  cards
What is validity 1,
Example of validity 2,
What else could lower validity 3
7  cards
ethics of research
Ethics and the home office 1,
Ethics and crime survey for engla...,
Ethical issues with collecting cr...
4  cards
0  cards
What is a campaign definition 1,
What is campaign for change 2,
Why might an individual or a grou...
5  cards
Policy definition 1,
Who are policies campaigns aimed ...,
What is the focus of campaigns ab...
7  cards
Sarah's law- campaigns to change the law
What is a law definition 1,
Example of an individual whose fa...,
What did sarah s parents and fami...
13  cards
clare's law
What other law is clare s law sim...,
What does claire s law outline al...,
What happened to clare 3
8  cards
campaigns to change agency priority
What is an agency definition 1,
Different types of agency 2,
Examples of campaigns to change a...
5  cards
Campaigns to Achieving a Funding Change
Example of a campaign that achiev...,
What is time to change charity ca...,
Who is time to change funded by 3
3  cards
campaigns to change awareness
Example of a changing awareness c...,
Blank 2
2  cards
Campaigns to Change Attitudes
Example of a campaign to change a...,
What is kick it campaign 2
2  cards
0  cards
Blogs- changing awareness of crime
What is a blog definition 1,
Effectiveness of using a blog to ...,
Limitations of using blogs to spr...
6  cards
UNIT 2- criminogical theories
0  cards
0  cards
court sanctions
What punishments can courts give ...,
What is a custodial sentence 2,
What do the courts give custodial...
8  cards
non court sanctions
What punishments can be given by ...,
What is a caution by police 2,
What is a simple caution by the p...
8  cards
meaning behind crimes
What is actus reus 1,
What does actus reus mean 2,
Example of actus reus 3
6  cards
different offences
What are the two types of offences 1,
What is an indictable offence 2,
Where is an indictable offence tr...
6  cards
0  cards
social construct
What is social construct 1,
What do the values of society do 2,
What can the values of society do...
8  cards
0  cards
What is polygamy 1,
What is polygyny 2,
What is polyandry 3
3  cards
polygamy- where is it legal
In how many countries is polygyny...,
Where is polyandry legal 2,
In which countries is polygamy ty...
3  cards
polygamy- where is it illegal
Where is polygamy illegal 1,
In the uk if someone is involved ...,
What is the punishment for commit...
3  cards
why polygamy laws vary
Why do the laws regarding polygam...,
Why does polygamy laws vary due t...,
Why does polygamy laws vary due t...
3  cards
0  cards
What is homosexuality 1,
Where is homosexuality illegal 2,
What can the crime of being in a ...
3  cards
why homosexuality laws vary
Why do the laws regarding homosex...,
Why does homosexuality laws vary ...,
Why does homosexuality laws vary ...
4  cards
0  cards
why is cannabis legal
Why is cannabis treated more leni...,
Why has cannabis been legalised 2,
Which countries have legalised th...
5  cards
where is cannabis illegal
Where is the possession selling d...,
What is the uk s outlook and laws...,
What is the uk s outlook and laws...
4  cards
why cannabis laws vary
Why do the laws regarding cannabi...,
Why does cannabis laws vary due t...,
Why does cannabis laws vary due t...
4  cards
south port murders
0  cards
moral panic- south port
What is a moral panic that has af...,
Why did the august riots start 2,
Who was convicted of the south po...
6  cards
murder to riots- HOW?
Why did riots follow after the so...,
How by finding his supposed natio...,
Who was attacked following the so...
6  cards
outcome of the south port riots
What was the sentence for the rac...,
Another sentence for violent diso...,
How many people got charged with ...
8  cards
0  cards
physical and corporal punishment
What in capital punishment 1,
Which act made over 50 offences c...,
In the 1723 black act what were t...
7  cards
capital punishment
What is capital punishment know as 1,
Why was there capital punishment 2,
What was the capital punishment u...
8  cards
corporal punishment
What was corporal punishment 1,
Who campaigned against corporal p...,
Where did grace campbell go to ch...
7  cards
how laws are applied due to circumstances
How can moral panic impact how th...,
What typification s can affect ar...,
What is the age of criminal respo...
8  cards
AC2.1 physiological criminal theories
0  cards
Lombroso's theory 1876- Atavistic form
Who did lombroso conduct an autop...,
What did lombroso find on the bac...,
In what other being is an indenta...
4  cards
atavistic form- general features
What are the general features of ...,
What general features do murders ...,
What general features does sex of...
5  cards
evaluation of Lombroso's theory- atavistic form
What is a strength of lombroso s ...,
What is another strength of lombr...,
What is a limitation of lombroso ...
4  cards
Sheldon's somatotypes
How did sheldon see criminals 1,
What was sheldon s theory with so...,
What are the 3 somatotypes 3
3  cards
somatotypes detail
What kind of body does individual...,
What personality does those with ...,
What kind of body does individual...
8  cards
evaluation of Sheldon's somatotypes
What is a strength of sheldon s s...,
What is another strength of sheld...,
What is a limitation of sheldon s...
4  cards
genetic theroies
What are the genetic theories 1
1  cards
lombroso's theory
What does lombroso s theory outli...,
What did a cmabridge study study 2,
What did the deliuquent study show 3
3  cards
case study example osborn and west
What did osborn and west find 1
1  cards
twins theory
How much dna do monozygotic twins...,
How much dna do dizygotic twins s...,
What should be the concordance ra...
4  cards
case study example christiansen's theory
How many twin pairs were studied ...,
What was the concordance rate wit...,
What was the concordance rate wit...
5  cards
evaluation of twin studies
What is a strength of a twin study 1,
What did ishikawa and raine find 2,
What is a limitation of twin stud...
8  cards
adoption studies
Why are twin studies used in adop...,
What are adoption studies 2,
What would support a genetic expl...
8  cards
evaluation of adoption studies
What is a strength of adoption st...,
Why does adoption studies have hi...,
What is another strength of adopt...
8  cards
Jacobs XYY study
What is another possible genetic ...,
What do individuals with xyy synd...,
What is the personality and chara...
8  cards
evaluation of Jacob's XYY study
What is a strength of jacob s xyy...,
Why is jacob s xyy study high in ...,
What us a limitation of jacob s x...
8  cards
brain injuries
biological explanations of offending
5  cards
case study: Charles Whitman
What did charles whitman do 1,
What happened to charles whitman ...,
What happened once charles whitma...
6  cards
0  cards
sex hormones
What is the sex hormone related t...,
What is testosterone linked to 2,
When do the levels of testosteron...
6  cards
blood sugar levels and alcohol abuse
What can drinking large amounts o...,
What can hypoglycemia cause 2,
What is alcohol consumption linke...
4  cards
evaluation of biochemical reasoning to offending
What is a strength of biochemical...,
What is another strength of bioch...,
Why is partial defence to murder ...
7  cards
0  cards
freud psychoanalysis
What does the psychodynamic theor...,
What is the psyche 2,
What is the psyyche made of 3
7  cards
Where is the id located 1,
What is the id motivated by 2,
What type of personality is the i...
4  cards
super ego
What is the superego 1,
How is the superego developed 2,
What is a weak or dominant supere...
3  cards
What does the ego operate on 1,
What does the ego reduce conflict...,
How does the ego reduce conflict ...
4  cards
weak superego
What are individuals with a weak ...,
Why are individuals with a weak s...,
What don t individuals with a wea...
4  cards
too harsh or unforgiving ego
What can a too harsh or unforgivi...,
What do individuals with a too ha...,
Why do individuals with a too har...
5  cards
deviant superego
A child with a deviant superego a...,
A child with a deviant superego i...,
What relationship does an individ...
7  cards
evaluation of Freud's psycho-dynamic approach
What is a strength of freud s psy...,
What important applications does ...,
How can early socialisation and e...
8  cards
bowlby's maternal deprivation
What did bowlby look to to explai...,
What did the maternal deprivation...,
What are children who developed m...
5  cards
bowlby's maternal deprivation study
Who did bowlby study in his mater...,
How many individuals suffered mat...,
How many individuals in bowlby s ...
8  cards
evaluation of bowlby's maternal deprivation theory
What is a strength of bowlby s ma...,
Why are links a strength of bowlb...,
What is a limitation of bowlby s ...
8  cards
eysenck's personality theory
What did eysenck ague 1,
What did eysenck say was the thre...,
What are individuals with high le...
5  cards
extraversion (eysenck's persoanlity theory)
What does extraversion refer to 1,
What are extraverts typically 2,
What do extraverts do to resolve ...
4  cards
neuroticism (eysenck's personality theory)
What are individuals with high le...,
Due to individuals being more moo...
2  cards
psychoticism (eysenck's personality theory)
What are individuals who have a h...,
How can the personality traits wi...
2  cards
evaluation of eysenck's personality theory
What is a strength of eysenck s p...,
Why is eysenck s personality theo...,
What is a limitation of eysenck s...
10  cards
0  cards
Sutherland's 1947 differential association theory
What does sutherland s differenti...,
What relationships or groups coul...,
What is learnt from these groups ...
7  cards
evaluation of sutherland's differential association theory- strengths
What is a strength of sutherland ...,
Why in sutherland s differential ...,
Why in sutherland s differential ...
5  cards
evaluation of Sutherland's differential association theory- limitations
What is a limitation of sutherlan...,
Why is sutherland s differential ...,
What is an example of sutherland ...
9  cards
operant conditioning
0  cards
operant conditioning
Whose name is associated with ope...,
What was bf skinner s definition ...,
What was bf skinner s definition ...
6  cards

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WJEC criminology- Level 3 Advanced Diploma

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