criminology unit 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Shelise Simpson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Newspaper campaigns,
Sarah s law the news of the world...,
Sarah s law how it changed views
22  cards
AC 1.1
Moral codes
23  cards
AC 4.1 - policy development
Formal policy,
Informal policy
5  cards
AC 4.1 - biological
Drug treatment antabuse,
Drug treatment methadone,
Drug treatment stilbestrol
16  cards
AC 4.1 - psychological
Types of psychoanalysis,
Psychoanalysis crime control
14  cards
AC 1.2
Social construction,
How laws change between cultures ...,
How laws change between cultures ...
22  cards
AC 2.1 - biological
Physiological theories lombroso,
Physiological theories william sh...,
Genetic theories xyy theory
7  cards
AC 2.2 - psychological
Psychodynamic tho,
Psychodynamic theories freud supe...,
Psychodynamic theories bowlby s m...
13  cards
AC 4.1 - sociological
Merton and subculture theories,
Merton and subculture theories cr...,
Labelling theory
15  cards
AC 2.3 - sociological
Durkheim functionalist theory,
Mertons strain theory,
Merton subcultural theories
26  cards
AC 3.2 sociological
Functionalism and subcultural the...,
Functionalism and subcultural the...,
Functionalism and subcultural the...
17  cards
Ac 3.2 biological
Physiological lombroso strengths,
Physiological theories lombroso w...,
Physiological theories sheldon st...
15  cards
AC 3.2 - psychological
Psychodynamic theories freud stre...,
Psychodynamic theories freud weak...,
Psychodynamic theories bowlby str...
17  cards
AC 4.2
17  cards

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criminology unit 2

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