criminology unit 4

This class was created by Brainscape user Sana Mir. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (46)

1.1 Describe processes used in law making
Two processes used in law making
1  cards
What is parliament made up of,
House of commons definition,
House of lords definition
7  cards
Government Processes
First reading,
Second reading,
Committee stage
6  cards
Judicial Processes
Judicial precedent,
Statutory interpretation
2  cards
1.1 exam questions
Outline the process used by the g...,
Identify four features of the par...
2  cards
AC1.2 describe the organisation of the criminal justice system
0  cards
Describe role of police,
Describe role of police 2,
Describe role of police 3
4  cards
Ministry of Justice
Describe role of ministry of just...,
Describe role of ministry of just...,
Describe role of ministry of just...
4  cards
Courts/Sentencing Council
Describe the role of courts sente...,
Describe the role of courts sente...,
Describe the role of courts sente...
4  cards
Crown Prosecution Service
Describe the role of the cps,
Describe the role of the cps 2,
Describe the role of the cps 3
3  cards
Prison Service
Describe the role of the prison s...,
Describe the role of the prison s...,
Describe the role of the prison s...
4  cards
Probation Service
Arrest a prisoner recalled to pri...,
Describe the role of probation se...,
Describe the role of probation se...
3  cards
1.2 exam questions
Describe the relationship of the ...,
Outline the role of the prison se...,
Describe relationships between th...
5  cards
AC1.2 Relationship between the Criminal Justice System
Cjs simple timeline,
Describe the relationship of the ...,
Describe relationships between th...
6  cards
AC1.3 Describe models of criminal justice
1  cards
Crime Control Model (guilty)
Describe crime control model 1,
Describe crime control model 2,
Describe crime control model 3
6  cards
Due Process Model (not guilty)
Describe due process model 1,
Describe due process model 2,
Describe due process model 3
6  cards
Areas of Law (guilty)
Describe areas of law 1,
Removal of the double jeapordy ru...,
Describe areas of law 3
4  cards
Areas of Law (not guilty)
Describe areas of law 1,
Describe areas of law 2,
Case study thompson and venables ...
3  cards
1.3 exam questions
Describe two models of criminal j...,
Describe how one model of crimina...,
Identify three features of the cr...
5  cards
2.1 Explain forms of social control
What is control theory,
What is social control
2  cards
internal forms of social control
What are internal forms of social...,
Example of internal social control,
What is rational ideology
5  cards
external forms of social control
What are external forms of social...,
Society as an external form of so...,
What is coercion
11  cards
control theory
What are control theories,
Walter reckless theory,
Hirschi theory
3  cards
2.1 exam questions
0  cards
2.2 Aims of punishment
S142 criminal justice act 2003 ai...
1  cards
What is retribution,
What is a compensating measure of...
6  cards
What is the purpose of rehabilita...,
Forward looking reformation,
Examples of rehabilitation
4  cards
What is deterrence,
What percentage of criminals reof...,
What percentage of criminals reof...
10  cards
Public Protection
Why is protection an aim of punis...,
Examples of punishment as protection,
What is incapacitation
3  cards
What does reparation do,
What is a restorative justice scheme
2  cards
What is denunciation,
How does denunciation apply to mo...
2  cards
2.2 exam questions
0  cards
2.3 Forms of Punishment
3 main types of courts in england...
1  cards
Imprisonment positively meets the...,
Imprisonment doesnt meet the aims...
2  cards
Community Sentences
Community sentences positively me...,
Community sentences dont meet the...
2  cards
2  cards
Discharges positively meet the ai...,
Discharges dont meet the aims of ...
2  cards
2.3 exam practice
Assess how two forms of punishmen...,
Discuss the aims of the community...,
Assess how forms of punishment me...
3  cards
3.1 Explain the role of agencies in social control
1  cards
Aim and objectives,
Working practices,
7  cards
Aims and objectives,
Working practices
7  cards
Aims and objectives,
Working practices
4  cards
Prison Service
Aims and objectives
5  cards
Probation Service
Aims and objectives,
4  cards
Charities and Pressure Groups
Working practices,
Aims and objectives
3  cards

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criminology unit 4

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