criminology, unit 4: crime and punishment.

This class was created by Brainscape user Hennie Digney. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

1.1. Describe processes used for law making.
What are the two main sources of ...,
What is parliament,
What is parliament made up of
27  cards
1.2. Describe the organisation of the criminal justice system in England and Wales.
What systems is the cjs in englan...,
Agencies of the cjs 1 law creation,
Agencies of cjs 2 the police
13  cards
1.3. Describe models of criminal justice.
What are the two models of crimin...,
The crime control model,
The due process model
10  cards
2.1. Explain forms of social control.
What is social control,
What are internal forms of social...,
Internal form of social control m...
15  cards
2.2. Discuss the aims of punishment.
What are the aims of punishment,
Different aims purposes that puni...,
What is retribution
32  cards
2.3. Assess how forms of punishment meet the aims of punishment.
What are the aims of sentencing,
Types of imprisonment 1 life sent...
21  cards
3.1. Explain the role of agencies in social control.
What is social control,
Examples of social control,
1 the police philosohpy
44  cards
3.2. Describe the contribution of agencies to achieving social control.
Some criminologists argue built e...,
Environtmental design defensible ...,
Examples of cpted
26  cards
3.3. Examine the limitations of agencies in achieving social control.
Repeat offenders recidivism,
Repeat offenders recidivism who r...,
Repeat offenders recidivism theory
21  cards
3.4. Evaluate the effectiveness of agencies in achieving social control.
Strengths the effectiveness of th...,
Limitations of the effectiveness ...,
Strengths of the effectiveness of...
12  cards

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criminology, unit 4: crime and punishment.

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