This class was created by Brainscape user Neve Redpath. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

criminal behaviour and deviance
comparing criminal behaviour and deviance
4  cards
legal definition of criminality
legal definition of criminality
3  cards
social definition of criminality
social definition of criminality
1  cards
types of sanctions
types of sanctions
2  cards
criminal and deviant acts
criminal and deviant acts
2  cards
social construction
social construction
1  cards
crimes changing from culture to culture
how do crimes change from culture to culture?
5  cards
crimes changing overtime
crimes changing overtime
7  cards
crimes changing due to place
What are some examples of crimes ...,
How does jaywalking change from p...,
How does cannabis use change from...
3  cards
laws changing due to circumstance
What are some examples of laws ch...,
How does manslaughter change sue ...,
How does diminished responsibilit...
4  cards
biological theories of criminality
What are some examples of biologi...,
What is lombroso s born criminal ...,
Evaluation lombroso s theory
18  cards
individualistic theories of criminality
What are individualistic theories,
What are some examples of indivis...,
What is the social learning theory
10  cards
sociological theories of criminality
sociological theories of criminality
20  cards
analyse situations of criminality
Why might someone commit murder,
What theories link to murder,
Why might someone commit white co...
8  cards
informing sociological policies
What are some examples of sociolo...,
What is penal populism,
Evaluate the effectiveness of pen...
11  cards
informing biological policies
What are some examples of informi...,
What is the neurochemical s diet,
Evaluate the effectiveness of the...
9  cards
informing individualistic policies
What are some examples of individ...,
What is talking therapy,
Evaluate psychoanalysis in reduci...
6  cards
social change affecting policy development
Why do policies change,
What is a more,
Why has drink driving changed
5  cards
campaigns affecting policy development
What do newspaper campaigns do,
What are some examples of newspap...,
What is sarah s law
10  cards

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criminology unit two

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