csc1005 - integrated human physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user KJ Hall. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Principles of Endocrine Control
Describe glands,
Define secretion,
Define endocrine
79  cards
Endocrine Glands and Hormones
Where do you find the hypothalamu...,
What endocrine gland do you find ...,
What endocrine glands can be foun...
79  cards
Cell Signalling
Why do cells communicate,
What are examples of cell communi...,
What are different types of signals
26  cards
Peripheral Nervous System
What does the central nervous sys...,
What does the peripheral nervous ...,
What is another name for sensory
122  cards
Action Potentials
Define action potential,
What cells do action potentials o...,
Define action potential
50  cards
Central Nervous System
What is the anatomical planes of ...,
What are the three ways the brain...,
How is the nervous system organis...
235  cards
Anatomy and Physiology of the Lungs
What is the function of respirato...,
What makes the respiratory system,
What components are in the upper ...
58  cards
Applied Lung Physiology
Is it easy or difficult to unders...,
Why is it difficult to measure ai...,
What is airway resistance
38  cards
Lung Function
What two devices are most commonl...,
How do you use a peak flow meter,
What does peak flow meter measure
10  cards
Smooth Muscle VS Skeletal Muscle
What is contained in smooth muscles,
What are actin filaments anchored...,
Are actin and myosin organised or...
24  cards
Cardiac Structure and Function
What are the two major circulatio...,
What re the three distinct layers...,
Is the epicardium in the outer mi...
96  cards
The Vascular System
Describe arteries,
Describe arterioles,
Describe capillaries
86  cards
The Renal System
In general how many kidneys do mo...,
What are the functional units of ...,
What would you expect to find in ...
106  cards
Physiological Roles of the Kidney
What are the functions of the uri...,
How does the urinary system act a...,
How does the urinary system act a...
44  cards
The Gastrointestinal System
What is the basic overall functio...,
What is digestion,
What is absorption
111  cards
What is absorption,
What is adverse effect,
What does adme stand for
130  cards
What are the two main immune systems,
Why do we need an immune response,
What are the 5 major classes of p...
25  cards
Which of the following cell types...,
Sperm develop from stem cells cal...,
The process of spermiogenesis pro...
201  cards

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csc1005 - integrated human physiology

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