culture and identity

This class was created by Brainscape user Isabel Thornton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

2. Understanding Culture
What is culture,
Define consumer culture,
Define dominant culture
18  cards
3. The Process Of Socilaisation
What is animal behaviour largely ...,
What is most human behaviour base...,
What do most sociologists point t...
25  cards
4. Unerstanding The Theory
What type of approach did functio...,
What type of approach did social ...,
What approach do pluralists take ...
78  cards
5. Theoretical Views On Culture And Socialisation
What is sociobiology,
Define social construct,
Functionalists what is society an...
46  cards
6. Identity And Self
What are the 4 influences on huma...,
What do social characteristics in...,
What do social institutions include
24  cards
7. The Impact Of Social Class
Define social class,
How do marx and engels define soc...,
Define social closure
26  cards
8. Gender socialisation
Define gender,
What are gender roles,
Where do children learn gender roles
48  cards
9: The Role Of Sexuality In Idenitity
What has homosexuality been seen ...,
Why was it difficult for gay men ...
11  cards
10. Ethncity And Identity
We live in a time of,
Define globalisation,
Who said the term global village
71  cards
11. Age And Identity
What does age heavily impact,
What is the mid life crisis,
What do attitudes to different ag...
45  cards
12. Disability As A Social Construct
What is the medical model of disa...,
What is the social model of disab...,
What is the difference between an...
18  cards
13. Work, Leisure And Consumption
What was production like in the 1...,
What were peoples identitys like ...,
What was production like in the 2...
37  cards
14. The Effects Of Globalisation
What does giddens define globalis...,
What are the connections of globa...,
What does stuart hall call choice...
10  cards

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culture and identity

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