cvs & ibl - physiology 🫁

This class was created by Brainscape user Ahmed Farag. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

L1: Properties of the cardiac muscle
What are the properties of cardia...,
What is the definition of rhythmi...,
What is the origin of rhythmicity
58  cards
L2: Cardiac cycle and its applications
0  cards
L3: Physiological regulation of heart rate
0  cards
L4: Cardiac output and its regulatory mechanisms
What is cardiac output,
What does cardiac output normally...,
What is the definition of end dia...
53  cards
L5: Physiological regulation of arterial blood pressure
What is the definition of the car...,
What does the cardiac cycle include,
What is abp
56  cards
L6: Physiological regulation of arteriolar diameter and tissue blood flow
0  cards
L7: Capillary circulation and dynamics of capillary filtrations
What is the definition of capilla...,
What is the function of capillaries,
What do metaarterioles branch int...
31  cards
L8: Lymphatic and venous circulation
Why are veins called capacitance ...,
What are the functions of veins d...,
What is the hydrostatic indiffere...
27  cards
L9: Physiological responses of CVS to stress
0  cards
L1: Functions of cellular elements of blood and regulation of haematopoiesis
What is the composition of blood ...,
What is the volume of blood in hu...,
What are the general functions of...
41  cards
L2: Physiological basis of haemostatic mechanisms
What is the definition of hemostasis,
What are the steps of hemostasis,
What does vascular construction r...
36  cards
L3: Natural anti-coagulants & fibrinolysis
What are the factors that contrib...,
What are the endothelial surface ...,
What are the blood factors that c...
27  cards

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cvs & ibl - physiology 🫁

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