This class was created by Brainscape user Tammy Okhiria. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Understanding Data
Why are statistical methods impor...,
Define data analysis,
What is the dikw pyramid
47  cards
Summary Statistics
Define central tendency,
List characteristics of the mean,
When is the mean the preferred me...
18  cards
Data Visualisation
Why is data visualisation important,
Why is data visualisation important,
What are the benefits of data vis...
8  cards
Sourcing Data
Define data sourcing,
Which two ways of data sourcing a...,
What is active data sourcing
32  cards
Normal Distribution
What is standard deviation,
What is variance,
Why is probability important
16  cards
Confidence Intervals
Which two things do we need to es...,
What do confidence intervals tell us,
Write the formula for finding the...
30  cards
Measures of Difference: The Chi-Squared Test
Why are measures of association i...,
What does chi squared measure,
What do t tests measure
9  cards
Measures of Difference: T-TEST
Why are t tests important,
What is the importance of two tai...,
What kind of data is required in ...
11  cards
Why are scatter plots useful,
Why are scatter plots useful,
What is correlation
14  cards
UK Data Service
What is the uk data service,
List the 4 types of data collections,
Give an example of survey microdata
10  cards
Linear Regression
What is simple regression,
What is the relationship between ...,
What 2 things do we need to know ...
9  cards
Assumptions of linear regression
What is the first assumption,
List 4 assumptions of regression ...
2  cards
Multiple Linear Regression
Write the regression equation,
Why will the estimate value of y ...,
What is a regression line used for
27  cards
Further Techniques in Multiple Linear Regression
What does linear regression assume,
How do we fix the linear regressi...,
How does polynomial fitting work
15  cards
Sampling and Non-response (W3Y2)
How does non response lead to sam...,
List 2 issues with taking censuses,
What is generalisation
16  cards
Week 4 : Item Non-Response and Imputation Methods
What are the 3 different reasons ...,
In which variables is item non re...,
What is the issue with complete c...
19  cards
Week 6: Geographic Data and Methods
List 3 features of representation,
How is representation affected th...,
What is digital representation
12  cards
Week 7: Core Components to Spatial Analysis
What are the two parts maup is co...,
What is the scale effect,
What is the zoning effect
11  cards
Week 8: Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)
What is the use of geographically...,
What are global models,
What are local models
5  cards
Week 9: Point Pattern Analysis
How do we work out if there is a ...,
How do we determine a random dist...,
How do we determine a clustered d...
13  cards
Week 11: Core Skills In Regression
What is regression known as,
What is a conditional expectation...,
Which variables do we include whe...
30  cards
Week 12: Binary Outcome Models and Maximum Likelihood Estimation
How else can we evaluate estimators,
What are asymptotic properties,
List 2 facts that are true if the...
6  cards

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data analysis

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