This class was created by Brainscape user Jasmine Henson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Define macule,
Define papule,
Define nodule
46  cards
Define eczema,
List eczema types,
Describe pompholyx
46  cards
Describe chronic plaque psoriasis,
Describe guttate psoriasis,
Describe generalised pustular pso...
26  cards
Define atopy,
Allergy risk factors 5,
Role of th1
12  cards
Microbiology skin infections
4 key presenting features of infe...,
What is an exotoxin,
What is an endotoxin
24  cards
3 targets in acne treatment,
What treatments can be given to t...,
Side effects of oral retinoids
16  cards
Hair + Nail Problems
2 types of excess hair,
Define hirsutism,
Define hypertrichosis
22  cards
Immunology + the skin
Define allergy,
Define autoimmunityn,
Describe type 1 hypersensitivity ...
17  cards
Anatomy + histopathology of inflammatory disease
Skin functions,
3 main layers of skin,
Embryologically where are melanoc...
6  cards
Common skin infections
Which pathogen causes cold sores,
Where does hsv 1 most commonly af...,
Where does hsv 2 most commonly af...
84  cards
Skin Cancers
Which skin cancer has the nicknam...,
Which skin cancers can metastasise,
Name the 3 common skin cancers
55  cards
Drug-induced Rashes
What is a porphyrin,
Pseudoporphyria presentation,
Drug induced rash management
14  cards
Photosensitive Skin Diseases
What is sunburn,
Sunburn symptoms,
Describe polymorphic light eruption
26  cards
Immunobullous diseases
List 3 immunobullous diseases,
What are the 2 types of blisters,
Describe sup epidermal blisters
25  cards
Wound Healing
Define wound,
What can cause chronic wounds,
What are the 3 phases of wound he...
30  cards
Psychiatry + psychology of skin disease
Psychological consequences of ski...,
What psychological interventions ...,
List some skin manifestations of ...
14  cards
Rashes Associated With Systemic Disease And Pregnancy
Erythema nodosum presentation,
Age range for most cases of eryth...,
Erythema nodosum causes
35  cards
Pruritis arising secondary to underlying disease
Generalised itch differentials wi...,
Generalised itch differentials wi...,
What can cause renal pruritis and...
6  cards
Purpuric rashes + vasculitis
What is purpura,
What does macular purpura normall...,
What does palpable purpura normal...
34  cards
Hypersensitivity reactions
Define hypersensitivity,
What are the 4 types of hypersens...,
What diseases are associated with...
26  cards
Drug eruptions
2 features of urticarial eruption,
What type of hypersensitivity rea...,
How can urticarial eruption be di...
12  cards
Prescribing safety
What types of skin are creams oin...,
How should topical lotions be app...,
What are the 4 potencies of topic...
42  cards
Integrative pathophysiology
What are the components of melano...,
What are the 4 layers of the epid...,
Where is breslow thickness measur...
41  cards

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