This class was created by Brainscape user daisy h. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Lecture 1- Polarity
3 mechanisms of polarity establis...,
2 mechanisms of localisation foll...,
6  cards
Lecture 2- Asymmetry
Example of an asymmetric division...,
Genes involved in budding,
Rough process of bud formation
5  cards
Lecture 4- Intercellular signalling I: How cells communicate in animals
Examples of long distance proteins,
Membrane proteins examples,
Example of a small metabolite whi...
12  cards
Lecture 5- Intercellular communication in plants
Examples of signalling molecules ...,
Difference in plant signalling du...
2  cards
Lecture 6- Determinate and indeterminate development
Early plant development steps,
What maintains the state of stem ...,
Lateral inhibition
7  cards
Lecture 11- Cell Death in Development
Pathological cell death,
Programmed cell death,
General name for proteins control...
16  cards
Cancer I and II
6 hallmarks of cancer,
Example of how limitless replicat...,
Example of a cancer which can eme...
20  cards
Lecture 14- Evolution and development
Specialisation vs organisation,
Examples of developmental gene ty...,
3 types of mutation important in ...
8  cards
Stem cells I and II
Animals with no vs many stem cells,
Protein often incorporated in ste...,
Fancy name for adult human stem c...
16  cards
Lecture 7- Establishing the A/P axis in Drosophila
How does drosophila early develop...,
How are gene functions identified,
How is the antiparallel gradient ...
5  cards
cancer syndromes + rational therapy
Cml mechanism,
Cml treatment,
An oncogenic virus and mechanism
6  cards
Lecture 10- Cell movements in animal development
5 types of adhesion,
How can adhesion be involved in c...,
3  cards

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