developmental neurobiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Anaya Bhogal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

L2: Neural Tube Deficits
What causes perinatal death,
What is the biggest cause of stil...,
Cns malformation stats
38  cards
L1: Neural Induction
What does the gastrula contain,
What does the ectoderm form,
Spemann organiser transplantation...
31  cards
Growth Cones
How does a neuron grow,
Growth cone defined by cajal,
What are the functions of the gro...
36  cards
Wiring the Visual System
What occurs at the optic chiasm,
Midbrain projections,
Central projections
28  cards
Dorsoventral Patterning of the CNS
What is the purpose of neuralation,
What does the dorsal sc contain,
What does the ventral sc contain
35  cards
Axon Guidance
What is the connectome,
When does axon guidance occur,
Why is identifying genes involved...
37  cards
Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis
Define adult neurogenesis postnatal,
What can nscs form,
Where is adult neurogenesis limit...
35  cards
Glia In The Developing Nervous System
Glia types,
Roles of radial glia,
Radial glia neurogenesis
44  cards
Activity dependent plasticity
How many layers does the neocorte...,
What is layer iv,
Prey vs predator visual anatomy
15  cards
Neurotrophic factors
Trophic functions,
Tropic functions,
Types of neurotrophins
34  cards
AP Patterning
Gastrulation in amniotes and non ...,
Spemann mangold 1924,
What is the gastrula organiser in...
21  cards
Generation and regeneration of Motor Neurons
Where are mns located in the cns,
What is local processing,
Where is shh produced
30  cards
What does arbor mean,
Work of ramon y cajal,
Desert locust
30  cards
3 stages of development in synapt...,
Synapse density,
Developmental changes in the synapse
30  cards
Wiring the olfactory system
Olfactory epithelium organisation,
Olfactory epithelium neurogenesis,
Osn lifespan
26  cards
Development of the mammalian neocortex
Stages of cortical circuit emerge...,
Where are pyramidal cells and int...
27  cards
Cellular Basis of Neurogenesis
Neural tube formation,
Interkinetic nuclear migration
23  cards
Cerebellar Development
What is the cerebellum,
Functions of the cerebellum,
Errors in the function of the cer...
26  cards
Developmental disorders of the synapse
What is a synapse,
Overview of asd,
Overview of schizophrenia
8  cards

More about
developmental neurobiology

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