This class was created by Brainscape user Birwe Leon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Fundamentals of Endocrinology
What are the consequences of diab...,
What are the symptoms and signs o...,
What is a hormone
24  cards
Endocrine Axes & Homeostatic Feedback
What is endocrinology in its simp...,
What is the purpose of hormones,
Describe endocrine glands
39  cards
Pitfalls in Interpretation of Clinical Laboratory Tests
What information do we need to in...,
What tube type is required for di...,
How do we work out the reference ...
16  cards
Disorders of Calcium Metabolism
What are the biological functions...,
What phase of blood is extracellu...,
Describe plasma or serum calcium ...
85  cards
Describe the thyroid,
Describe the thyroid follicle,
What happens in the thyroid epith...
33  cards
What are the tft patterns in prim...,
What is the epidemiology of prima...,
What are the symptoms of hypothyr...
34  cards
Imaging Assessment of the Thyroid Gland
What are the different imaging mo...,
What is the best initial imaging ...,
Describe ultrasound for imaging
21  cards
Thyroid Pathology
What is histology,
What is cytology,
What are the types of benign thyr...
18  cards
Body Water Balance & Diabetes Insipidus
What is hypo and hypernatraemia v...,
What is plasma osmolarity in term...,
47  cards
Regulation of Adrenal Steroidogenesis
Describe an archetypal hp axis fe...,
Describe how the hypothalamus coo...,
Where do motor and sensory neuron...
61  cards
Mineralocorticoid Disorders & Endocrine Hypertension
What is the star protein regulate...,
What is blood pressure,
What are the 3 main physiological...
44  cards
Gonadal Steroidogenesis and Actions
What are the actions of mineraloc...,
What are the actions of glucocort...,
What are the actions of adrenal a...
33  cards
Adrenal Insufficiency & Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Describe primary hyperaldosteronism,
Describe secondary hyperaldostero...,
Describe glucocorticoid over prod...
38  cards
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia and Neuroendocrine Tumours
How can a neuroendocrine tumour b...,
What does serotonin cause,
Why does right heart failure occur
25  cards
Hormones & Obesity
What is obesity,
When does obesity occur,
What are the efferents controllin...
26  cards
Diabetes Mellitus – Pathogenesis and Metabolic Abnormalities
Describe diabetes in the uk,
What is diabetes,
Describe insulin
30  cards
Clinical Features of Type 1 & 2 Diabetes
Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes,
What are the risk factors for typ...,
Describe the genetic component of...
22  cards
Diabetes Mellitus – Treatment with diet, drugs and insulin
Describe type 1 diabetes,
Describe type 2 diabetes,
What are the aims of diabetes tre...
43  cards
Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
What are the microvascular compli...,
How do we stop slow progression o...,
How do we screen for complications
8  cards
Acute Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
What are the diabetic emergencies,
Describe hypoglycaemia,
What are the common causes of hyp...
31  cards
Diabetes in Childhood
Why is an early diagnosis important,
What are the symptoms of type 1 i...,
How do we test for type 1 immedia...
21  cards
Diabetes in Pregnancy
What hormones cause gestational d...,
How common is gestational diabetes,
What are the complications of gdm...
26  cards
Physiology of Growth Hormone Secretion
Describe ghrh,
Describe somatostatin,
What other hormones regulate gh
30  cards
Growth and puberty
What is growth,
How do we measure growth,
When should a child be measured f...
35  cards
Endocrinology of Female Reproduction
What is reproduction,
Why is infertility becoming more ...,
Describe male fertility
47  cards
Menstrual Cycle and Disorders
At what size do follicles become ...,
What causes the endometrium to grow,
How is oestradiol made in the fol...
56  cards
Menopause - Physiology, Symptoms and HRT
What is the menopause,
What two key events occur in the ...,
What are the names for early meno...
16  cards
Foetal Origins of Male Reproductive Disorders
What do males have an increased r...,
What disorders in men are associa...,
Example of a sentinel marker of c...
22  cards
Endocrine tactical problem-solving
Overview of too much hormone,
Overview of too little hormone,
What does chronically fatigued an...
19  cards
What is the action of sglt 2 inhi...,
Site of action of sulfonylureas,
Site of action of ace inhibitors
8  cards

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