differential dx

This class was created by Brainscape user Colleen Caribardi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Examination/Patient Access
What type of access does a patien...,
How much health screening has a p...,
Who is providing services to pati...
65  cards
Direct access, primary care, and autonomous practice
Definition the provision of integ...,
Definition the process of weighin...,
True false the role of primary ca...
39  cards
Constitutional s/s, integumentary
What are red flags when describin...,
What conditions present as chroni...,
Definition general discomfort sen...
54  cards
What are the three common items t...,
True false dyspnea is often assoc...,
What are causes of dyspnea
80  cards
What is dysphagia,
What are the causes of dysphagia,
What are characteristics of dysph...
103  cards
Definition white bands found on t...,
What does stool look like when th...,
What does urine look like when a ...
80  cards
Definition inversely proportional...,
Definition measures effectiveness...,
What is the inverse to ph
107  cards
Endocrine, Metabolic, Immunologic, Cancer
What system affects many body sys...,
What endocrine gland can produce ...,
What endocrine glands can cause a...
199  cards
Head and Neck
What are the four categories of m...,
Rheumatoid arthritis is asymmetri...,
True false patients can have ra m...
98  cards
Lumbopelvic hip region
What are lbp red flags,
What are red flags for back relat...,
What infection is most common in ...
79  cards
MSK leg, knee, ankle, and foot
What are red flags for a fx,
Definition a focal area of damage...,
What is peripheral arterial occlu...
26  cards
MSK chest, ribs, T-spine
What is the pain pattern for card...,
What is the pain pattern for pulm...,
What is the pain pattern for food
37  cards
True false acterial endocarditis ...,
Rtc pathologies will have a low h...,
How long can a surgeon wait to re...
41  cards

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differential dx

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