digital technologies in business

This class was created by Brainscape user Ralf Hilario. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Week 1 - Intro do Digital Technologies
Define digital technologies,
Define the difference between dat...,
Digital technologies are supporte...
25  cards
Week 2 - Digital Business
Define digital business,
Explain waves of business digitis...,
Define e commerce
24  cards
Week 3 - Digital Business Models and Advertising
What is a business model,
Explain value creation,
Explain the internet s impact on ...
28  cards
Week 4 - Digital Innovation and Strategy
What is digitial innovation,
State the 3 phases of innovation,
Explain the classification of inn...
33  cards
Week 5 - Digital Transformation
What is digital transformation,
State 5 benefits of digital trans...,
Explain the difference between di...
21  cards
Week 6 - Artificial Intelligence in Business
What is artificial intelligence,
Explain acting humanly can a comp...,
State what 6 disciples which comp...
16  cards
Week 7 - Financial Techologies (FinTech)
Define fintech financial technology,
State 5 reasons for using fintech...,
State 4 reasons why fintech is no...
16  cards
Week 8 - Business Intelligence and Big Data
What is business intelligence,
Why the interest in bi explain av...,
Explain business trends driving i...
10  cards
Week 9
Explian design challenges identif...,
Philosophy how does the mind aris...,
Explian design challenges cross d...
37  cards
Week 10 - IT Governance
What is it governance,
Explain how it governance manages...,
State 4 benefits of it governance
29  cards
Week 11
How did,
2  cards

More about
digital technologies in business

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