dispute resolution

This class was created by Brainscape user Rhys MacCarter. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Introduction to dispute resolution
Key stages of civil claim,
What should parties do at pre action
23  cards
What costs are involved in litiga...,
Does court have power to determin...,
What two points will a court cons...
42  cards
Alternative Dispute Resolution
If proceedings are commenced in b...,
What is mediation,
Can a mediator make a binding dec...
29  cards
Pre-action consideration and conduct
What is the consequence if procee...,
What is the general rule on the l...,
For negligence claims where facts...
33  cards
Parties to proceedings
What name is used when bringing a...,
What name is used when bringing a...,
What name is used when bringing a...
20  cards
Commencing and serving proceedings
What is meant by serving documents,
What is disregarded when consider...,
What are the rules re which court...
45  cards
Responding to proceedings
What can c do if d fails to meet ...,
What 3 options does c have when r...,
Regardless of whether d wants
34  cards
Statements of case
What are statements of case and w...,
Will evidence and arguments over ...,
What happens if a statement of ca...
122  cards
Early disposal
What is a default judgement when ...,
For what types of claim can a def...,
What conditions must be satisfied...
15  cards
Interim applications
When can an interim application b...,
Are rules for all interim applica...,
When should an interim applicatio...
92  cards
Case management
If a court makes an order of its ...,
What is a strike out what cases w...,
Must the court wait for an applic...
66  cards
Costs management
When will costs be proportionate,
What are the 2 limitations of cos...,
How does costs management address...
30  cards
Disclosure and inspection
What is the difference between di...,
What are the purposes of disclosure,
When is an order for disclosure g...
72  cards
Witness and expert evidence
What is witness evidence,
What is an expert,
What are the 3 types of admissibl...
92  cards
What is the purpose of a pre tria...,
How is the deadline for the pre t...,
What does pre trial checklist req...
54  cards
What is meant by destination or r...,
What must the lower court s decis...,
Will appeals re hear or merely re...
32  cards
What are enforcement proceedings,
At what point in litigation shoul...,
How can the judgement creditor fi...
50  cards
What is the advantage of using a ...,
What is the rationale of part 36,
When can a part 36 offer be made
67  cards
Who can discontinue a claim,
Does c have to discontinue a whol...,
What are the 2 major consequences...
7  cards
Jurisdiction and conflict of laws
What is the difference between ju...,
What is the effect on cpr applica...,
How is it decided whether e w has...
63  cards

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dispute resolution

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