dms 300 abdomen & small parts

This class was created by Brainscape user Jenelle Nuqui. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Liver A&P
2 methods of identifying liver an...,
What is the traditional lobar ana...,
What is
39  cards
Gallbladder A&P
Where is the gallbladder located,
What parts of the gallbladder are...,
3 parts of the gallbladder
28  cards
Renals - Kawamura
Renal sonography exams evaluate t...,
What is the functional unit of th...,
Around which gestational week do ...
27  cards
Pancreas A&P
Where is the pancreas located,
What are the 4 segments of the pa...,
Where is the head located landmarks
58  cards
Spleen - Kawamura
Is the spleen intraperitoneal or ...,
What ligaments support and stabil...,
What is considered an enlarged sp...
22  cards
Renals A&P
Location of the kidneys,
Size of a normal kidney,
What is the true capsule
56  cards
Spleen A&P
Is the spleen intra or retroperit...,
Where in the abd cavity can you s...,
What structures does the visceral...
23  cards
Thyroid - Kawamura
What is the main function of the ...,
The trachea forms the lateral bor...,
What are the 3 strap muscles
17  cards
Pediatrics Abdominal & Small Parts
Fluid filled loops of bowel can g...,
What can fecal matter in the bowe...,
What artifacts can a bowel filled...
22  cards
Thyroid A&P
What is the normal size of the th...,
What is the normal size of the th...,
What is the normal size of the th...
34  cards
Breast - Kawamura
Mammography can easily detect les...,
Mammography cannot determine whet...,
Mammography can detect microcalci...
52  cards
Breast A&P
What is the functional layer of t...,
What is the subcutaneous premamma...,
What is the retromammary layer ma...
51  cards
Scrotum A&P
What is the primary sex organ for...,
What are male secondary sex organ...,
Where do the testes develop in th...
35  cards
Prostate A&P
Where is the prostate gland locat...,
Where is the prostate located in ...,
Where is the prostate gland locat...
39  cards

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dms 300 abdomen & small parts

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