This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Lapos. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Intro to Med Micro (Pathophys) - Block 1
What is pathogenicity,
What is virulence,
List some of the characteristics ...
168  cards
Bacteria Species and Mechanisms (Pathophys) - Block 1
List g cocci,
What makes are staph similar,
What is the most pathogenic staph
118  cards
Beta Lactams (MC) - Block 1
What is the difference between ba...,
Types of bacteriocides cell wall ...,
Types of bacteristatics protein s...
109  cards
Macrolides (MC) - Block 1
Describe the structure of macrolides,
What is the purpose of the desosa...,
What acids increase solubility wh...
33  cards
Sulfonamides (MC) - Block 1
Describe the moa of sulfonamides,
What is the moa of trimethoprim,
Describe the sar of sulfonamides
17  cards
Tetracyclines (MC) - Block 2
What is the sar of tetracyclines,
Tetracycline resistance is due to,
What are the adrs of tetracyclines
22  cards
Lincosamides and Amphenicols (MC) - Block 2
What are the lincosamides,
What is the moa of clindamycin,
Describe the activity of lincosam...
34  cards
Fluroquinolones (MC) - Block 2
What are the primary targets of q...,
What is the function of dna gyras...,
What is the cooperative bidnign m...
29  cards
Peptide Antimicrobials (MC) - Block 2
Describe the characteristics of a...,
Because t
32  cards
Aminoglycosides (MC) - Block 2
What is the pharmacophore of amin...,
What are the properties of ag,
Moa of aminoglycosides
23  cards
Overview of Viruses (Patho) - Block 3
Describe the extracellular state ...,
Describe the intracellular state ...,
Describe the structural component...
52  cards
Virus part 2 (Patho) - Block 3
Describe the structure of hiv,
What are structural genes of hiv,
What is the importance for acesso...
101  cards
Fungi (Patho) - Block 3
What type of organisms are fungi,
What are the morphologic forms of...,
Describe the components of a fung...
64  cards
Parasites (Patho) - Block 3
What the of pathogens are parasites,
Differentiate the 2 groups of par...,
Common mode of entry for parasites
66  cards
Flu (MC)- Block 3
What flu types is more prone to f...,
How does flu enter the cell,
What are the outer surface glucop...
28  cards
Hepatitis (MC) - Block 3
What the types of hav vaccines co...,
What are types of hbv vaccines co...,
What are the functions of ifn the...
33  cards
Mycobacterium (MC) - Block 3
What are the sx of tb,
How do you diagnose tb,
Sx of leprosy
43  cards
Antifungal (MC) - Block 3
0  cards
Antiparasitic (MC) - Block 3
0  cards
HIV (MC) - Block 3
0  cards

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drug action iv

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