drug box quizzes

This class was created by Brainscape user Sean Williams. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Week 1
What is another name for epinephrine,
What class is epinephrine,
What does epinephrine do
29  cards
Week 2
What is nitroglycerin,
What is nitroglycerin for,
What is the dose for nitroglycerin
26  cards
Week 3
What do you use diltiazem for,
What kind of drug is diltiazem,
What is the dosage for diltiazem
26  cards
Week 4
What is another name for amiodarone,
What is amiodarone,
What is amiodarone for
26  cards
Week 5
What class is thiamine,
What is another name for thiamine,
What are the indications of thiamine
27  cards
Week 6
What does albuterol do,
What class is albuterol,
What is albuterol for
24  cards
Week 7
What is ipratropium,
What is another name for ipratropium,
What does ipratropium do
28  cards
Identify Drugs By Their Doses
What drug for this dose 025 mg kg...,
What drug for this dose 20 mg slo...,
What drug for this dose 40 125 mg iv
52  cards
Week 8
What is hydromorphone and what is...,
What is another name for hydromor...,
What is the dosage of hydromorphone
23  cards
Week 9
What is promethazine and what is ...,
What is another name for prometha...,
What is the dose of promethazine
20  cards
Week 10
What is etomidate and what is it for,
What is another name for etomidate,
What is the dose for etomidate
24  cards
Week 11
What is aminophylline and what is...,
What is another name for aminophy...,
What is the dose for aminophylline
21  cards
Week 12
What is digitalis and what does i...,
What is another name for digitalis,
What is digitalis indicated for
23  cards
Drug Class/Indications
What are the class indications for,
What are the class indications for,
What are the class indications for
48  cards
Drugs with Similar Characteristics
What contraindications do all ant...,
What side effects do all antidysr...,
What contraindications do all diu...
17  cards
Week 13 - Pedi Doses
What are the indications for epin...,
What is the pediatric dose for ep...,
What are the contraindications of...
16  cards
Week 14 - Pedi Doses
What is the pedi dosage for diazepam,
What are the indications for diaz...,
What are the contraindications of...
16  cards
CCFD Drugs
What is glucagon for,
What are the special notes for di...,
What does atropine sulfate do
161  cards

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drug box quizzes

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