early developments in the cold war, 1945-49

This class was created by Brainscape user Hasan Anjum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe
Which countries were conquered by...,
Why were yugoslavia and albania s...,
How did stalin turn six other cou...
7  cards
A british point of view: Winston Churchill's iron curtain speech
When and where did winston church...,
Why did winston churchill give th...,
What was the result of churchill ...
3  cards
the Marshall Plan
What was the usa s advantage in p...,
What was the practical outcome of...,
How much aid did the usa give bet...
6  cards
Cominform, and Comecon, 1947-49
When was cominform established an...,
What decision did cominform make ...,
How did cominform use propaganda
7  cards
Disagreements over Germany including Bizonia.
1  cards
Berlin Crisis (1948–49)
The berlin blockade,
The berlin airlift
2  cards
creation of two Germanys: the Federal Republic (FRG) and the Democratic Republic (GDR).
Creation of two germanys the fede...
1  cards
creation of the NATO
Creation of the nato
1  cards
Consequences of the Iron Curtain Speech
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Consequences of the Truman Doctrine
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Consequences of the Marshall Plan
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Consequences of Bizonia
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Consequences of the Berlin airlift/blockade
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Consequences of the formation of NATO
1st consequence,
2nd consequence
2  cards
Truman Doctrine
What was the initial hope of the ...,
Why did britain find it difficult...,
What was the main announcement of...
6  cards

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early developments in the cold war, 1945-49

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