earth history and life - 29202

This class was created by Brainscape user Andrew Jeavons. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Origins, Oxygen & Eukaryotes
How did planet earth form dust,
What happened to planet earth 45 bya,
What did the impact from 45 bya d...
54  cards
Ice and life
What is the faint sun paradox,
What is one proposed idea for why...,
Beside higher ghg levels what mig...
28  cards
How are solitary corallites formed,
Where can many solitary corals be...,
How are colonies produced from an...
34  cards
What are metazoans,
What fossil record do metazoans d...,
What does multicellularity allow for
52  cards
Pre-Cambrian of the British isles
Where do the majority of good pre...,
How are the pre cambrian deposits...,
What is the lithostatigraphical d...
33  cards
Modes of preservation (canvas)
What type of rock does mouldic pr...,
How does mouldic preservation occur,
What are the ways that the origin...
26  cards
Modes of preservation (lecture)
What is an example of fossils pro...,
What puzzle was linked to the bur...,
What is an example of how fossils...
50  cards
Cambrian explosion
What occurs between the ediacaran...,
What is there very little of afte...,
How is the cambrian divided
32  cards
Arthropods and Trilobites
What is the age range of phylum a...,
What of all animals described are...,
What ranking debate is there conc...
53  cards
The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
What is the gobe,
What developed from phylla,
What are the major subdivisions o...
37  cards
Hemichordates (graptolites)
What is the age range for the phy...,
What is phylum hemichordate unite...,
How does hemichordate fall into t...
38  cards
What is the period covered by ter...,
What is terrestrialisation,
What was the rate of
55  cards
Lower Palaeozoic of the British Isles
What periods are encompassed by t...,
What occurred in the uk in the lo...,
What occurs in terms of continent...
51  cards
What are lophophorates,
What are brachiopods and bryozoan...,
What is a lophophore
34  cards
Upper Palaeozoic in the British isles
What orogeny occurred in the devo...,
What had an influence on the shap...,
What is the chronology of the dev...
67  cards
End Permian Mass Extinctions
What does the pme mark the end of,
What is the difference between th...,
What is one of the unusual featur...
37  cards
Molluscs part 1 - Bivalves
How many species are part of phyl...,
What environment are molluscs fou...
53  cards
Molluscs part 2 - cephalopods and gastropods
What are the most common single s...,
What is the shell growth of mollu...,
What 4 parameters are used to def...
62  cards
What are phylum echinodermata uni...,
What is the age range of phylum e...,
What is the stereom
56  cards
Trace fossils
What is another name for trace fo...,
What can trace fossils be used as,
What is endogenic trace fossils
69  cards
Practical handouts
How is nudds classification of li...,
What are the 3 sections of nudds ...,
What are the characteristics of c...
44  cards
What is dendrochronology,
What do tree rings represent,
How ill tree rings reflect the se...
47  cards
Greenhouse worlds & Oceanic anoxic events
What rock type can be used to sho...,
What are the seasonal cycles like...,
Where are large algae populations...
36  cards
Mesozoic of the British Isles
What systems was the triassic ini...,
What did the increasing influence...,
What makes correlation difficult ...
66  cards
Cretaceous / Paleogene Extinction
What occurred in the aftermath of...,
What were some victims of the k p...,
What was used by the alvarez s to...
30  cards
Early cenozoic climate history
What large scale geological event...,
What are the 3 main types of proxy,
What are biotic proxies
35  cards
History of the Late Cenozoic
What was the main orogenic proces...,
What can be used to work out the ...,
What would the effect of all of t...
35  cards
Trinucleid trilobites
What is the classification of tri...,
What are the characteristics of s...,
Based on the classification of tr...
10  cards
Long answer question
13  cards

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earth history and life - 29202

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