east asia in transformation

This class was created by Brainscape user Arianna Anderson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

2/1 Notes
East asia geographical defitino,
Does confucious still have influe...,
Why is mongolia not often grouped...
7  cards
2/6 lecture
What do chinese call confucious,
What can confucianism be describe...,
Confucious was
15  cards
2/8 lecture
What are some items that are a pa...,
East asian concept of natural order,
Ying yang
33  cards
Basics about Japan
Japans name in japanese is,
Where does japan have a lot of it...,
Size of japan
41  cards
treaty and nanjing
Who did treaty help more,
List five articles,
Who was treaty between
4  cards
commodore matthew letter to japanese emperor
Why did matthew write the emperor...,
What did matthew say he would do ...,
What did japanese emperor do wron...
4  cards
china during 19th century
Three main themes of china during...,
Three g s of imperialism imperial...
38  cards
japan charter oath
What did japan charter oath touch on,
When was charter oath written,
Who was the charter issued in the...
3  cards
Japan in the 19th century
What is the og capital of japan,
What are the three themes of japa...,
Who was the third and last shogunate
41  cards
rise of japanese imperalism
What lead to sino japanese war,
What treaty came from sino japane...,
What was the start of the drama w...
22  cards
Japan Taisho period
When was taisho democracy in japan,
Describe what it was like in tais...,
When meji era ended
23  cards
WWII in asia
What caused japan to start negoti...,
Were negotiations with japan suce...,
When was pearl harbor
8  cards
KMT power struggle
When was ccp founded,
First united front was ___ what w...,
Shanghai massacre
44  cards
US China relations after pearl Harbor
Why was general joseph stilwell s...,
What was stilwells relationship w...,
Did stilwell suggest sharing reso...
10  cards
Post Nuke, Japan post WWII
What happened right after japan s...,
Who wrote japans new constitution,
Did japan want to maintain the no...
14  cards
post war occupation of Japan
The three d s,
Zaibatsu busting,
Land reforms post wwii
10  cards
chinese civil war
Decline of the second united front,
What contributed ti delcine of th...,
Outbreak of civil war 1946
15  cards
early PRC history
What year was the start of the ch...,
When did mao era end,
How long was mao era
24  cards
korean war + The Maoist years
What was the after result of kore...,
Why did china enter the korean war,
Can china claim victory with kore...
46  cards
china in modernization
What movement was in 1989 what di...,
How did developments move region ...,
What did china become in start of...
28  cards
contemporary japan
What can contemporary japan also ...,
Politcail system of contemporary ...,
What politucal party dominated co...
25  cards

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east asia in transformation

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