This class was created by Brainscape user Anusha Shahid. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Aspects of behavioural economics
What is behavioural economics,
What does tradition economics ass...,
What may stop a consumer from max...
7  cards
cognitive biases
What is price anchoring,
What is social norms,
Availability bias
10  cards
choice architecture policies (Nudges)
1  cards
diminishing returns and return to scale
What is short run
14  cards
costs of production
Different types of costs,
What is fixed costs,
What is variable costs
17  cards
impacts of costs and productivity on factor inputs
What shapes a firms costs of prod...,
What do higher factor prices incr...,
What do lower factor prices increase
6  cards
Economies and diseconomies of scale
What can a firm increase as it grows,
How does economies of scale help ...,
What happens as a firm continues ...
23  cards
shortrun and longrun relationships
What occurs in the short run,
What occurs in the long run,
3  cards
marginal , average and total revenue
What is total revenue,
What is toy,
What is average revenue and its c...
6  cards
What are explicit costs,
What are implicit costs,
Why do implicit costs need to be ...
12  cards
Technological changes
What is meant by invention,
What is meant by innovation,
What are the advantages of techno...
10  cards
Market structures
What are the characteristics of m...,
What can the market structures be...,
What markets does imperfect compe...
11  cards
the objectives of firms
What do most firms have the ratio...,
How do profits benefit shareholders,
What should firms do to achieve p...
9  cards
perfect competition
What are the characteristics of p...,
Draw a perfect competition in the...,
Why do governments try to encoura...
4  cards
monopolistic competition
What is a monopolistic market str...,
What are the characteristics of m...,
What is abnormal profit
7  cards
What are the characteristics of o...,
What level of market power does a...,
What are the characteristics of a...
16  cards
oligopoly : price and non price competition
What is non price competition in ...,
Price competition in oligopolies,
What does the kinked demand curve...
19  cards
price discrimination
When does price discrimination occur,
What are the different types pric...,
What is first degree discrimination
8  cards
competition and competitive market processes
What type of competition is a com...,
How does the degree of competitio...,
What are the benefits of competition
7  cards
contestable and non contestable markets
When does a contestable market occur,
What is a competition market base...,
What is a contestable market base...
9  cards
market structure , efficiency and resource allocation
What is static efficiency,
When does allocative efficiency o...,
When does productive efficiency o...
10  cards
factors influencing the demand for labour
What is the labour market compose...,
What is the demand for labour,
What are wage rates determined by
15  cards
factors influencing the supply of labour
What are some monetary factors th...,
What are non monetary considerati...,
What does the supply curve for la...
4  cards
wages rates in perfectly competitive labour markets
What is the assumption of perfect...,
What happens when there is an exc...,
What happens when there is excess...
5  cards
the trade influence of trade unions on wages and employment
Factors that influence trade unio...,
The unemployment level,
Wage levels as proportional of to...
8  cards
the national minimum wage
Why do government s often interve...,
What is the minimum wage mean,
Draw minimum wage diagram
6  cards
discrimination in the labour market
When does wage discrimination occur,
What are the conditions necessary...,
Gender discrimination
4  cards
income and wealth discrimination
What does income refer to,
What does wealth refer to,
What are the causes of wealth and...
11  cards
then Lorenz curve and gini coefficient
What are the two main measures of...,
What are the costs of unequal dis...,
What is the loren curve the visua...
4  cards
the problem of poverty
What is relative poverty,
What is absolute poverty,
Causes and effects of poverty
3  cards
government policies to reduce poverty and inequality
What are policies there to do in ...,
How would this policy improve pov...,
How would education policy improv...
11  cards

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