This class was created by Brainscape user Vladimir Gluten. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

C1: Democracy & participation
Define direct democracy,
Define representative democracy,
Give an advantage of direct democ...
44  cards
C1: Political Parties
What are the five functions of po...,
How are mps paid,
How much are mps paid as of 2017
54  cards
C1: Electoral Systems
What are the five functions of el...,
How does the first past the post ...,
Which general elections have led ...
35  cards
C1: Voting Behaviour & the Media
Who were the main candidates in t...,
What was the conservative result ...,
What was thatcher s majority afte...
55  cards
C1: Conservatism
What is considered to be the core...,
Why do conservatives favour pragm...,
What are the two strands of conse...
62  cards
C1: Liberalism
What is liberalism,
What event is considered the clas...,
What is individualism
35  cards
C1: Socialism
What are the three main subsectio...,
What is collectivism,
Why do socialists endorse collect...
50  cards
C2: The Constitution
What are the 3 u s of the uk cons...,
What does unitary mean,
What does uncodified mean
44  cards
C2: Parliament
What is the legislature in the uk,
What is the executive in the uk,
What is the government
45  cards
C2: Prime Minister & the Executive
What is meant by the executive,
What is the role of the prime min...,
What is the cabinet
57  cards
C2: Relations between Institutions
What is the key idea behind fusio...,
What is the legislature in the uk,
What is the executive in the uk
34  cards
C2: Nationalism
What is a nation defined as,
What is a nation state,
What is self determination
24  cards
C3: The State & Globalisation
What is globalisation defined as,
What is sovereignty,
What is a nation state
50  cards
C3: Global Governance: Political & Economic
What are the two main types of gl...,
What are some examples of intergo...,
What is a world government
65  cards
C3: Global Governance: Human Rights & Environmental
What are human rights defined as,
What is the idea of universal hum...,
When were human rights conceptual...
47  cards
C3: Power & Developments
What are the two main different t...,
What are the main parts of hard p...,
What are the main parts of soft p...
42  cards
C3: Regionalism & the EU
What is regionalism defined as,
What are some examples of regiona...,
What is the eu
36  cards
C3: Comparative Theories
0  cards

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edexcel a level politics

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