ela - 1st semester (11th grade)

This class was created by Brainscape user angus crangus. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

History of Dividing Line
What form of writing does wiliam ...,
When was the history of the divid...,
Why does the history of the divid...
13  cards
Final - Vocab
It was a rich cream color bright ...,
After that i lived like a young _...,
Gatsby took an arm of each of us ...
33  cards
Vocab Quiz 2
Mental disturbance or distress,
To relieve or reduce
20  cards
1st Vocab Quiz
Irreverent showing lack of respec...,
Proud disdainful of something or ...,
Angry words curses
20  cards
from of Plymouth Plantation
What did the pilgrimage mean to t...,
In what style was from of plymout...,
When did bradford begin to write ...
10  cards
test 2
Why did franklin decide to leave ...,
What was franklins condition in l...,
What virtue does franklin place f...
11  cards
Enraged or angered,
To calm satisfy,
Physical condition
19  cards
Chapter 1-3 Great Gatsby
What advice did the narrators fat...,
When the narrator returns from th...,
What quality does the narrator gi...
60  cards
Chapter 4-6 Great Gatsby
What do the young ladies at gatsb...,
As the young ladies talk what do ...,
How does nick remember years late...
60  cards
Great Gatsby Vocab Chapters 1 - 3
A short witty poem expressing a s...,
Feeling or showing haughty disdain,
To perform without prior preperation
17  cards
chapter 7 - 9
Why does nick go over to gatsbys ...,
Why does gatsby fire all his serv...,
What is the weather like on the d...
60  cards
finals multiple choice from text book
0  cards

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ela - 1st semester (11th grade)

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