This class was created by Brainscape user Nathan Shlobin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

SM_171b: Introduction to the Endocrine System and Physiology / Pathophysiology
Exocrine glands are ____ and ____,
Endocrine glands are ____ and ____,
Endocrine action is ____
63  cards
SM_172b: Hypothalamus-Pituitary Basic
Unlike the nervous system endocri...,
Compare the nervous and endocrine...,
Describe the anterior and posteri...
36  cards
SM_173b: Hypothalamus-Pituitary Histology / Pathology
____ plays a central role in modu...,
_____ _____ _____ and _____ of th...,
____ and ____ of the hypothalamus...
40  cards
SM_174b: Mechanisms of Hormone Action
Hormones may act on ____ or ____ ...,
Ligands for nuclear receptors are...,
Describe the domains of nuclear r...
29  cards
SM_175b: Hypothalamus-Pituitary Pathophysiology
Describe etiologies of hypothalam...,
Septo optic dysplasia involves mu...,
Craniopharyngiomas cause varying ...
75  cards
SM_176b: Thyroid Basic Physiology
Describe the anatomy of the thyro...,
Describe the histology of the thy...,
____ is most common cause of thyr...
35  cards
SM_177b: Thyroid Histology / Pathology
Describe embryology of the thyroid,
Thyroid final location is ____,
Normal thyroid gland is ____ whil...
36  cards
SM_178b: Thyroid Pathophysiology & Nodules / Cancer
Describe the hypothalamus pituita...,
In hypothyroidism tsh is ____ t4 ...,
In hyperthyroidism tsh is ____ t4...
65  cards
SM_179b: Adrenal Pathology: Cortex/Medulla
Outside of adrenal gland is ____ ...,
Describe histology of adrenal gland,
Zone glomerulosa of adrenal gland...
44  cards
SM_180b: Adrenal Medulla
Adrenal gland is composed of ____...,
Adrenal cortex is derived from th...,
Adrenal medulla is derived from _...
53  cards
SM_181b: Pituitary/Adrenal/Thyroid Pharmacology
Describe basic progression of hyp...,
Vasopressin adh is a ____ hormone...,
Vasopressin is secreted in respon...
96  cards
SM_182b: Hypoglycemia and Other Islet Issues
In people with diabetes hypoglyce...,
Severe hypoglycemia is ____,
Documented symptomatic hypoglucem...
38  cards
SM_183b: Adrenal Cortex Physiology and Pathophysiology
Three types of steroids are ____ ...,
Mineralocorticoids are produced i...,
Glucocorticoids are produced in t...
77  cards
SM_184b: Intermediary Metabolism
Insulin is a,
Insulin receptors are ____,
Describe process that occurs afte...
40  cards
SM_185-186b: Diabetes I and II
Normal is fasting glucose of ____...,
Diabetes is fasting glucose ____ ...,
Probability of fasting glucose an...
72  cards
SM_187b: Diabetes Pharmacology
Diabetes is a group of metabolic ...,
Prolonged hyperglycemia in diabet...,
____ is the key to alleviated sym...
93  cards
SM_188b: Fetal Origins of Disease
Developmental origins of health a...,
Low birth weight is associated wi...,
Prenatal factors such as ____ ___...
36  cards
SM_189b: Calcium / Parathyroid / Bone Basic
Describe the functions of ca,
Hypocalcemia results in ___,
Hypercalcemia results in ___ ___ ...
84  cards
SM_190b: Calcium / Parathyroid / Bone
Describe ca homeostasis and actio...,
Describe etiologies of hypercalcemia,
Pth dependent hypercalcemia is co...
62  cards
SM_191b: Starvation and Metabolic Adaptation
Starvation is ___,
Starvation associated malnutritio...,
Disease associated malnutrition c...
51  cards
SM_192b: Puberty
Puberty is ___,
Describe biochemical changes of p...,
Describe puberty over the lifespan
51  cards
SM_193b: Endocrine Genetic Syndromes
Complex disorders are influenced ...,
Monogenic diabetes is a ___
46  cards
SM_194b: Growth and Development
Phases of growth are ____ ____ an...,
Normla intrauterine growth is lar...,
____ is the main source of nutrit...
40  cards
SM_195b: Breast Development, Pregnancy, Lactation, and Benign Breast
Describe 5th week of fetal breast...,
Describe 7th week of fetal breast...,
Describe 12th week of fetal breas...
70  cards
SM_196: Histology and Pathology of Breast
____ is most common site of origi...,
Describe breast anatomy,
Describe histology of the nipple ...
59  cards

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