This class was created by Brainscape user Christy James. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Foundation Level Exam
What are the haas principles,
Thermal comfort factors
33  cards
Foundation Level Exam Part 2
What is the criteria for air flow...,
What causes air flow in a home,
Identify causes of air flow in th...
25  cards
Equations and Conversions
What is the equation for assembly...,
What is the equation for thermal ...,
What is the equation for thermal ...
28  cards
Solar Photovoltaic
Define solar irradiance and its u...,
What data is used to estimate ene...,
Orientation of solar pv systems p...
10  cards
Wind Energy Systems
How does site location relate to ...,
How does wind speed influence ene...,
Define power capacity per unit kw
6  cards
Exterior and Interior Insulation
What does eifs stand for,
What are the main components of eifs,
What are the advantages of eifs
14  cards
Highly Efficient Mechanical Systems
What does gshp stand for,
Explain how gshps work and provid...,
What is the coefficient of perfor...
21  cards
Barrier Systems within the Building Envelope
What is the air barrier and where...,
What is the tested air leakage re...,
Why is the air barrier important
11  cards
Heat loss and Windows
How do you reduce heat loss throu...,
What is the best spacing to reduc...,
Explain conduction heat loss in w...
22  cards
Outdoor Design
Describe operational peak conditions,
How should heating and cooling eq...,
What is the cost improperly sized...
30  cards
Energy efficiency various types of mechanical systems
Mechanical system energy efficiency,
Explain cooling capacity,
Explain heating capacity
11  cards

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energy advisor

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