energy and environmnet . efficiency and processes

This class was created by Brainscape user Mia Mia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Fundamentals Of Energy
What is energy,
Write all you know about kinetic ...,
All about potential energy
28  cards
Where does almost all energy on e...,
How was the suns energy produced,
Describe the fate of fate of radi...
11  cards
The global energy and environment situation
Write what there is to know about...,
Describe briefly the the global e...,
What is the substitution method
29  cards
Past And Present Energy Systems
What are the two problems the wor...,
What does the world lack in terms...,
What do we need to do to ensure t...
31  cards
Combustion Processes
What are the fundamentals of comb...,
Is this statement true or false 7...,
What are
28  cards
Plant Efficiency
What limits the efficiency of a p...,
How does temperature affect effic...
2  cards
Formation Of Emissions
Co carbon monoxide,
Sulphur dioxide,
Nox formation mechanisms
11  cards
Fossil Fuels
What do you know about the format...,
Global coal reserves 2020,
Global natural gas reserves
22  cards
Combustion Of Other Fuels Aside From Fossils
Combustion of biomass,
What is heating value,
Combustion of peat
4  cards
Removal Of Emissions At The Source
How many ways can emissions be re...,
How can emissions be removed befo...,
How can emissions be removed duri...
28  cards
Effects On The Envrironment And Health
Is this statement true or false a...,
Where does the change in temperat...,
What is the atmosphere made of
18  cards
What are aerosols,
How many types of aerosols are th...,
Mention some natural sources of a...
11  cards
Effects Of Emissions On Climate
The first of these effects is the...,
What do you know about molecular ...,
What does molecular vibration hav...
10  cards
What are some bio energy source,
What ways can bio energy resource...,
What can they be combusted in an ...
23  cards
Bioenergy II
Biomass can be converted into ene...,
What do you know about biomass en...,
What do you know about biomass en...
26  cards
Wind And Solar Energy
Historical development of wind en...,
What is the formulae for wind power,
What is wind power proportional to
23  cards
Hydroelectric And Geothermal Energy
What is the historical developmen...,
How does a hydroelectric system work,
How much electricity can be gener...
26  cards
Nuclear Power And Energy Storage
What is nuclear fission,
How is reaction rate controlled i...,
What is a nuclear power plant
17  cards
Sustainable Transport
What are some future projections ...,
An overview of the transport sector,
What are the global c02 emissions...
58  cards
Energy Efficiency
How can the energy system be chan...,
What are some these policies regu...,
5  cards
Sustainability And Transformative Change
Agenda 2030 and the sustainable d...,
What is notable about the world s...,
What is notable about the sweden ...
20  cards
Furure Energy Systems
Is this statement tru or false th...
1  cards

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energy and environmnet . efficiency and processes

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