english language

This class was created by Brainscape user Raheela Ashrif. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

What is accent,
What is alliteration,
What is sibilance
5  cards
What is layouts feature,
What is a typographical feature,
What is a orthographical feature
3  cards
What is jargon,
What is dialect,
What is sociolect
28  cards
What is a proper noun,
What is a concrete noun,
What is an abstract noun
4  cards
What is a demonstrative pronoun,
What is a relative pronoun,
What is a personal pronoun
5  cards
Sentence Functions
What is a declarative sentence,
What is a imperative sentence,
What is an interrogative sentence
4  cards
Sentence Types
What is a simple sentence,
What is a compound sentence,
What is a conditional sentence
4  cards
What is a base adjective,
What is a comparative adjective,
What is a superlative adjective
7  cards
What is infinitive verb,
What is main verb,
What is auxiliary verb
18  cards
Whta is an adverb of frequency,
What is an adverb of manner,
What is an adverb of time
7  cards
Language And Gender Study: EMOTICONS
How many snapchat users are 18 24,
How many snapchat users are women,
How many snapchat users are 13 17
12  cards
Language And Gender Theories
What is robin lakoff theory calle...,
What is jenny cheshires 1982 theory,
What is pamela fishmans 1983 theo...
14  cards
Language And Occupation
What ia judith baxter s theory an...,
What is michael nelson s theory a...,
What is instrumental power
9  cards
Language and Region
Howard giles study name date,
Howard giles study what is it,
Howard giles theory results
10  cards
Language and Technology
0  cards
Language and Social groups
1  cards
Language and Ethnicity
0  cards

More about
english language

  • Class purpose General learning

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