This class was created by Brainscape user Sam vanZoest. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1. Lecture 1 - Introduction & fundamentals
Which of the following problems i...,
Which of the following does not r...,
Which of the following statements...
54  cards
2. Lecture 2 - Policy instruments I
Which of the following pollution ...,
For which of the following pollut...,
Which of the following pollution ...
37  cards
3. Guest Lecture - Beyond GDP
What does gdp measure,
Why is it hard to measure gdp nam...,
Name 3 critiques on gdp
10  cards
4. Lecture 3 - Policy instruments II
Name 2 goods services for which o...,
Name 1 main uncertainty in implem...,
Name 1 main uncertainty in implem...
13  cards
5. Assignment 1
Why is the supply curve upward sl...,
Why is the demand curve downward ...,
Why can a smc sometimes not be pa...
9  cards
6. Lecture 4 - Common Pool Resources theory
What are the assumption of the go...,
How can creating ownership of a f...,
What is the central problem of op...
69  cards
7. Guest lecture - Market-based CPR management
What are turfs,
What is tacc and tarc,
Who can get itqs name 2
29  cards
8. Lecture 5 - Climate Change Economics
What is the major difference betw...,
What is the main advantage of a s...,
True or false using a higher disc...
30  cards
9. Guest lecture - EU ETS Reform
What is the eu ambition regarding...,
Name 1 advantage and 1 disadvanta...,
Name 2 elements of the eu ets reform
8  cards
10. Assignment 2
What is sustainable harvesting,
True or false if a harvest is on ...,
Can fish stocks turn negative
17  cards
11. Lecture 6 - International Trade & Environment
What is absolute advantage,
What is comparative advantege,
Northland can make 05 food for 1 ...
26  cards
12. Lecture 7 - Water Economics
Which one of the following is an ...,
Why might supply enhancement stra...,
Which price structure would tend ...
37  cards
13. Assignment 3
What is comparative advantage,
What is the difference between a ...,
Name a way to address water short...
4  cards
14. Guest lecture - Carbon and physical risk indicators in finance
Name 2 of the main tasks of the d...,
Why is sustainability important f...,
Whar are the four main indicators...
10  cards

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environmental economics

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