This class was created by Brainscape user Baraka Bah. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1.1 Environmental value systems
Evaluate strategies to manage reg...,
Evaluate the sustainability of tw...,
Explain how the second law of the...
34  cards
Topic 2: Ecosystems and ecology
Outline the factors that contribu...,
Define net primary productivity,
Distinguish between zonation and ...
30  cards
Topic 3: Biodiversity and conservation
Endemic species,
Define species diversity
25  cards
Topic 5: Soil systems and terrestrial food production systems and societies
To what extent is pollution impac...,
State one transfer of matter occu...,
Identify one example of an output...
15  cards
Topic 8: Human systems and resource use
Outline one strength and one limi...,
Outline two factors that enable a...,
Explain how the growth in human p...
20  cards
Topic 4: Water and aquatic food production systems and societies
Outline how energy drives the hyd...,
Explain how regional differences ...,
Explain with the use of a system ...
27  cards
Topic 6: Atmospheric systems and societies
Explain the causes and effects of...,
Outline using examples the differ...,
To what extent is pollution impac...
21  cards
Topic 7: Climate change and energy production
Outline how a positive feedback l...,
To what extent have international...,
To what extent does the developme...
15  cards
8. Notes and revision
Fertility rate,
Crude birth rate cbr,
Crude death rate cdr
28  cards
7. Notes and revision
Energy security,
Energy choices depend on,
Threats to energy security
25  cards
6. notes and revision
Abiotic factors,
Biotic factors
30  cards
4. notes and revision
The hydrological cycle aka the wa...,
Transfers in the water cycle include,
Transformations in the water cycl...
32  cards
5. notes and revision
Soil transfers,
Soil storages,
Soil inputs
17  cards

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environmental science

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