Equine Final Year

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Burrows. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (102)

Equine URT Disease Cases CR
Case one rapids 16 y o tbx male 4...,
Blue 12 y o warmblood male 450kg ...,
F92 2 y o tb female 420kg bcs 2 h...
3  cards
Equine upper respiratory tract surgery
General comments of urt surgery i...,
Discuss potential cases needing u...,
Where can urt sugery be done 3
66  cards
Nasal Discharge/Sinusitis
What is the problem list 1,
What does bilateral nasal dischra...,
What diseases can cause bilateral...
65  cards
Sinus Disease and Epistaxis
What are the anatomical features ...,
What are the paranasal sinuses 2,
Label 3
56  cards
Equine Viral Respiratory Disease
Dominic is kept at a livery yard ...,
Streptococcus equi strangles 2,
Streptococcus equi strangles 3
40  cards
AB selection for respiratory disease
What are the principles of antimi...,
Discuss kinetics of antimicrobials 2,
Blank 3
37  cards
Approach to sampling
What is a rebreathing bag and how...,
What must selection of further di...,
What does arterial blood gas anal...
32  cards
Equine Lung Disease
Equine herpes virus 1 virus famil...,
Equine herpes virus 1 transmissin...,
Equine herpes virus 1 prevalence ...
25  cards
What is eiph 1,
What are the clinical signs of ei...,
How do we diagnose eiph 2 3
60  cards
URT Disease
What is you diagnosis action and ...,
What is your diagnosis 2,
Ehv1 4 serology 1 256 3
16  cards
Equine Asthma
Physical exam of thoracic cavity 1,
Discuss auscultation at rest and ...,
Discuss susceptibility to equine ...
39  cards
Cardiac assessment in equid
Discuss manifestations of cardiac...,
What else affects membrance colour 2,
What types of cardiac disease can...
28  cards
Equine Cardiac Murmurs
What are 2 types of endocardial d...,
What is endocardiosis 2,
What is endocarditis 3
52  cards
Pericardial and Vascular Disease
What are the 5 categories of peri...,
What is the pathogenesis of traum...,
What are the early and later sign...
52  cards
LA Dysrhythmia
What udnerlies endocardial diseas...,
What underlies myocardial disease...,
How does myocardial disease manif...
43  cards
Equine Poor Performance and Cardiac Disease
Blank 1,
What is poor performance 2,
What are the top 5 causes body sy...
14  cards
Cardiac Histopathology
What are the 4 constituents of th...,
What are the 3 heart wall layers ...,
What is the pericardium where is ...
22  cards
Nasal Sinus Drainage and endoscopy PRACTICAL
How do you perform a frontal nasa...,
Where are the forceps inserted he...,
Where are the forceps inserted he...
12  cards
Airway sampling PRACTICAL
Explain the process and how the e...,
Explain the process and how the e...,
What is the process of performing...
7  cards
Equine URT Radiography
What are some considerations for ...,
What views can you use to radiogr...,
What regions can be imaged for eq...
17  cards
Clinical relevance EquineEthmoid haematoma
Look at this history and clinical...,
What tests would you want to do n...,
What did the next test endoscopy ...
9  cards
Define equine metabolic syndrome 1,
Name ems risk factors associated ...,
Which ages is ems prevelent in 3
36  cards
At what age type and breed is equ...,
What are the clinical signs of pp...,
What does this image show 3
35  cards
Define endocrinopathic laminitis 1,
What are the two main risk factor...,
Discuss glucocorticoid associated...
24  cards
Make a list of the risk factors f...,
Explain the pathophysiology of eq...,
This patient has a plasma triglyc...
30  cards
Equine endocrine case decision
19 yo pony mare 200kg bwt 1,
Always collect a good history and...,
Physical exam hr 60bpm rr 15brpm ...
10  cards
Obese Equid
What are the challenges with a ho...,
Fat is metabolically active help ...,
Fatness is associated with 3
8  cards
Equine dermatology 1
What are the d dx for pruritis in...,
Which 2 lice are common causes of...,
What is the disease profile of pe...
48  cards
Equine dermatology 2
What are common causes of crustin...,
What is the disease profile of de...,
What are the clinical signs of de...
28  cards
Equine derm cases
Case 1 roger signalment 2 year ol...,
Case 2 angus management lives at ...,
Case 3 pauline signalment 9 year ...
5  cards
Practical: Equine GI anatomy
Label equine colon 1,
Label this 2,
Label this 3
16  cards
Colic Case
You are called to see a two year ...,
Your clinical examination demonst...,
Your clinical examination demonst...
13  cards
Equine Dentistry
What the deciduous teeth in a hor...,
What the permanent teeth in a hor...,
What is the orientation of equine...
90  cards
Microbiology Of Enteritis
What are the common sites for com...,
Define commensals 2,
What will gi commensals cause if ...
61  cards
Equine dysautonomia
Discuss equine grass sickness 1,
Define dysautonomia 2,
Formulate a differential list for...
8  cards
Equine Colic Cases
You have been asked to examine a ...,
How would you position yourself t...,
Describe what you would feel on t...
28  cards
Colic - Causes and Clinical Signs
What is colic 1,
What are the clinical signs of co...,
What other extra abdominal condit...
41  cards
Colic - Medical Management
What are the following parameters...,
What are the following parameters...,
Name 5 exceptions for how you exp...
22  cards
Colic - LI
Where is the large intestine attc...,
What shape does the large colon f...,
What allows the entire large colo...
52  cards
Gastric Disease in Horses
Name some disorders of the equine...,
What is the pathology of esgd equ...,
With equine squamous gastric dise...
50  cards
Lipomas and SI surgical colic
What are the most common surgical...,
Discuss si surgical colic 2,
The small intestine is involved i...
44  cards
Diarrhoea in Horses
What are some differential diagno...,
What are clinical signs of foal h...,
What is the pathogenesis of foal ...
66  cards
Weight Loss in Horses
Why is weight loss in horses of i...,
What are the most common cause of...,
What can cause reduced intake as ...
48  cards
Diseases Associated with Disorders of Fat Metabolism
Compare the similarities and diff...,
Why does the liver play a fundame...,
You are called to a 12 2 hand 7 y...
16  cards
Liver Disease In The Horse
What are the main functions of th...,
When are clinical signs seen with...,
Name clinical signs of hepatic dy...
77  cards
Clinical Manifestations of Equine Parasites
Write a list of common parasites ...,
Name the parasite 2,
What is the diagnosis and signifi...
57  cards
GI Disease in Foals
Why is the gi tract of foals diff...,
What are some oral congenital abn...,
Look closely at this picture what...
68  cards
You have received a call to see a...,
Ptosis is a common feature of hor...,
This picture shows an idiopathic ...
16  cards
Critically Ill Horse with GI Disease
What are some conditions of the g...,
What is sirs 2,
What can sirs be triggered by and...
52  cards
The critically ill horse with GI disease EXTRA
Conditions of the git that lead t...,
Discuss sirs 2,
Discuss sirs being called endotox...
12  cards
Colic case planning
Approach to a colic in the first ...,
Approach to colic physical exam 2,
What are the next steps in the ap...
28  cards
Equine distal limb
Label the cranial equine distal l...,
Label an annular ligament 2,
Label tendons and ligaments of th...
18  cards
Nerve blocks
What nerve block is this 1,
What nerve block is this 2,
What nerve block is this 3
11  cards
LA bandaging
When do you need to use a splint 1,
Splinting techniques for fracture...,
Splinting techniques for region 1 3
6  cards
Foot and Farriery
What are the aims of foot balance 1,
What are the 3 dimensions of foot...,
What dimension of foot balance is...
46  cards
Ultrasonography Of The Equine Distal Limb
What four things does ultrasound ...,
What is the examination technique...,
What is the depth of imaging for ...
93  cards
Local Anaesthesia Techniques
Which muscles of the axial skelet...,
What is ventroflexion 2,
What is dorsoflexion 3
47  cards
Why would we do arthricetesis 6 1,
Name 3 ways we can do synovial fl...,
What do you look at with synovial...
7  cards
Soft Tissue Trauma
What is triage 1,
What are the 4 categories to tria...,
What are the 3 things we use tria...
65  cards
Equine Examination
What do we need to establish abou...,
Define conformation 2,
What do we look at for conformati...
46  cards
Soft Tissue Injuries
What is the important of soft tis...,
What are the most 2 common types ...,
What are percutaneous soft tissue...
43  cards
Equine Back
How many thoracic vertebrae do ho...,
How many lumbar vertebrae do hors...,
How many sacral vertebrae do hors...
14  cards
Equine Forelimb
Name 9 of themain causes of forel...,
What fractures of the forelimb ar...,
How does the aetiology affect the...
95  cards
Equine Hind limb
What are some of the main causes ...,
What are some critical conditions...,
What is the innervation of the hi...
53  cards
Equine Foot Radiography
What are some indications for rad...,
What are some radiation safety po...,
What are some ways you can restra...
13  cards
Equine Foot
Give some of the main causes of f...,
How can lameness be affected by w...,
What kind of lamenesses can hard ...
64  cards
Equine Foot Cases
A what views b where do we positi...,
How do we ensure radiographic saf...,
A what views b where do we positi...
8  cards
LA Muscle Disease
Disease causing muscle pain cramp...,
Disease causing muscle weakness 2,
Disease causing collapse 3
75  cards
Radiography and Radiology
Name the 3 aims of radiography in...,
How do we acheive 4 2,
We beam should we consier using e...
47  cards
Developmental Orthopaedic Disease 2
What is an angular limb deformity 1,
Where are the 3 main sites for an...,
What is a valgus limb deformity 3
60  cards
Why is prompt evaluation essentia...,
Give 2 reasons lameness treatment...,
Whats the problem here 3
55  cards
Equine Bone Healing
What is good about bone healing 1,
What is the immediate injury resp...,
Name some inflammatory mediators ...
45  cards
Equine Tendon Healing
I have wings and i have a tail ac...,
Label tendons of distal equine li...,
What is the structural hiearchy o...
46  cards
Vascular Disease
Define embolus 1,
Define thrombus 2,
Define ischaemia 3
35  cards
Neurology Infectious Diseases
What are the 3 potential routes o...,
What are the bacteria types affec...,
Define meningitis 3
84  cards
Equine Neurology
How do horses with cns disorders ...,
What are the common disorders of ...,
What is the most common and impor...
116  cards
Equine Opthalmology
How can you routinely examine the...,
Name 2 examining techniques that ...,
How would you do lacrimal nerve b...
110  cards
Corneal Ulcers
Label the corneal anatomy 1,
How much of the cornea is stroma 2,
Why are there nerve endings in ep...
58  cards
Notifiable Neuro Viruses
Name 5 notifiable viruses 7 1,
What does the image show 2,
Wha is the genus of rabies 3
26  cards
Large Animal Ophthalmology
What retrospective analysis can w...,
What is this 2,
What is this 3
21  cards
Eye and Disease
Name some uveitis associated dise...,
Name uveitis associated diseases ...,
Name uveitis associated diseases ...
30  cards
Ocular Pharmacology
A what is the delivery volume for...,
What is the issue of giving more ...,
Name 3 common topical anti bacter...
81  cards
Approach To The Sick Equine Neonate
Barbera 24h old filly bar 3rd foa...,
What should igg levels be 2,
What do we use to test the igg le...
39  cards
Caslick/Endometrial biopsy (practical)
What are the indications for a ca...,
Explain briefly how you perform a...,
What are the primary indications ...
17  cards
Mare Breeding Soundness Exam
What do we want to know about the...,
What do we want to know about the...,
19 yo wb x tb would like to breed...
8  cards
Diagnostic Methods and Cycle Manipulation in the Mare
4 days post covering you are aske...,
What is the common diagnostic app...,
What information do we need in a ...
64  cards
Parturition, Dystocia, Post-Partum Events and Reproductive Surgery
What has occured here 1,
Discuss ruptured pre pubic tendon...,
How can a ruptured pre pubic tend...
53  cards
Pregnancy Diagnosis in the Mare
How can we pd in the mare 7 1,
Why can we not pd the mare before...,
What is different about the pd in...
27  cards
Endometritis in the mare
Endometritis is a common cause of...,
Three major pathogens cause vener...,
What is the presentation of vener...
53  cards
Approach to scrotal swelling
You have been called to examine a...,
Outline the key points of your hi...,
On physical examination the scrot...
12  cards
Pregnancy Loss Causes and Consequences
Gala girl starts foaling at 332 d...,
What does fetal loss usually resu...,
Why does fetal mummification not ...
50  cards
Reproductive Problems in the Mare
Why do mares come into stud 1,
It is 28th february dimple is a 6...,
It is march 25th glossy girl foal...
46  cards
Clinical Equine Reproduction - Care of Sick Neonate
What is a red bag delivery what c...,
What is a common syndrome in foal...,
What are some other names for neo...
36  cards
Optimal Breeding Time in The Mare
17 year old warmblood mare 1,
What intitial tests can we do and...,
You perform a general clinical ex...
24  cards
Common first opinion reproductive cases in equine practice
Name some common equine reproduct...,
This mare was observed in oestrus...,
What can produce anti malaria hor...
22  cards
Diagnostic methods in the stallion
What is going on with this stalli...,
Discuss approach to examining the...,
Discuss bacteriological screening...
50  cards
Common diseases and surgery of the stallion/gelding
When are why are the most common ...,
How is a standing castration perf...,
What is a closed castration 3
54  cards
Complications of equine castration
What are the clinical signs of fa...,
What is the cause of failing to a...,
How can you prevent failure to ac...
36  cards
Anaesthesia for Colt Castration
How do you make the decision for ...,
What should we do as part of out ...,
Name some alpha 2 agonists used i...
32  cards
Rectal Tears
What is the aetiology of rectal t...,
Where is the most common site of ...,
What is the sex predisposition to...
30  cards
Equine Urinary Disease
What is the epidemiology of uroli...,
What are the location of uroliths...,
What is the compostion of equine ...
64  cards
Equine Urinary Tract
How can you objectively assess if...,
What about polyuria how can you o...,
You hospitalise a horse to observ...
9  cards

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Equine Final Year

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