This class was created by Brainscape user Taylor Dunn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

APA ethics code
What are the five general princip...,
Explain the,
Explain the fidelity and responsi...
22  cards
Professional Issues and Practices Week 1: Introduction
Explain some history of the apa e...,
What were the initial 6 categorie...,
What are 5 categories of concern ...
39  cards
PA Laws and Regulations: Ethical Decision Making Model
What is the layout of pa laws and...,
What are the 10 principles the pa...,
Differences between pa ethics cod...
47  cards
Ethical Decision Making Models and Resolving Ethical Issues
Explain what can go in the four b...,
What are the steps you should do ...,
What are the different standards ...
35  cards
suicide & suicide assessment
Explain how frequent suicide is i...,
Why is it important to know the w...,
Explain the basics of suicide and...
34  cards
Privilege and confidentiality
What things to focus on relevant ...,
What is privilege legal term,
What is confidentiality ethical p...
26  cards
privilege & confidentiality cont. and ethical fallacies and pitfalls
What is a fallacy,
Some example of cutting ethical c...,
What is bias and how does it impa...
39  cards
Explain disclosures with client c...,
Explain hipaa and release of info...,
Disclosures permitted by law
28  cards
Professional Issues and Practices: Standards of Therapy and Boundary Issues
Where do boundary issues occur,
How can multiple relationships pr...,
What are multiple relationships
30  cards
diversity issues and starting a private practice
What is competence,
Types of competence,
What is competence
17  cards
Explain the caveats of telepsycho...,
Client patient,
In person
9  cards
record keeping and fees
What are the aspirational principles,
What are the seven standards unde...,
What should we be including in re...
13  cards

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