This class was created by Brainscape user Joni Marie McLeod. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Philosophical Assumtions
A parsimonious explanation is mos...,
Given two explanations for the sa...,
Which is the most parimonious exp...
12  cards
Environmental v Mentalistic explanations of behavior
With regard to feelings behavior ...,
Mentalisma tends to halt further ...,
Which is not an explanatory ficti...
8  cards
Radical v Methodological
The idea that behavior occurs as ...,
According to the philosophy of ra...,
Radical behaviorism asserts that ...
8  cards
Response Class and Stimulus Class
Behaviors that may differ in topo...,
A set of behaviors that are stren...,
Which of the following always con...
7  cards
Stimulus Equivalence
Which of the following describes ...,
Stimulus stimulus relations a can...,
Derived relations are relations b...
14  cards
Respondant v Operant
The respondent conditioning proce...,
Respondent behavior a is amenable...,
Which are examples of respondent ...
16  cards
Motivating Operations
Brothers are often off task and d...,
The pain from a bee stinga is a c...,
A surrogate cmo would depend on w...
10  cards
Verbal Operants (FK43-FK46)
14  cards
Measurement Concepts (FK47-48)
Medium hard
17  cards
A child engages in a low occurren...,
The martial arts instructor wante...,
The practitioner recorded that it...
26  cards
Interobserver Agreement (IOA)
Which is the correct interval by ...,
Which is the correct interval by ...,
Which is the correct nonoccurrenc...
26  cards
Accurracy/Reliability and Reactivity/Expectancy
know the difference between accuracy, reliability and validity as well as reactivity, expectancy, observer drift and complexity
17  cards
Which would most likely be marked...,
Which would most likely be marked...,
Use scale breaks on the vertical ...
29  cards
Design and Implement Choice Measures (A-14)
Two items are presented until eac...,
A reinforcer assessment a is unne...,
In which multiple stimuli present...
21  cards
Continuous and Discontinous Measurement (A-12, A-13)
The term time sampling refers to ...,
Percent of occurrences based on t...,
Whole interval recording is often...
21  cards
IV v DV and Baseline
Which could be an independent var...,
Select the independent variable a...,
An independent variable a is cont...
26  cards
Withdrawal/Reversal Design
In an a b a design a reversal occ...,
A multiple treatments design may ...,
What design is characterized by t...
9  cards
Alternating/Multielement Design
The alternating treatments design...,
The alternating treatment design ...,
With the alternating treatments t...
17  cards
Changing Criterion Desgin
A functional relation is demonstr...,
With a changing criterion design ...,
Which of the following criteria w...
11  cards
Multiple Baseline/Probe Design
When using a multiple baseline ac...,
When using a multiple baseline ac...,
You intervene sequentially in the...
26  cards
The unwanted effects of negative ...,
A child gets one hour to play com...,
A potential unwanted effect of re...
37  cards
Schedules of Reinforcement
A schedule in which reinforcement...,
A schedule in which reinforcement...,
Reinforcement provided following ...
16  cards
Prompts and Prompt Fading
A teacher is going through a task...,
A teacher is teaching handwashing...,
A prompt a increases the probabil...
19  cards
It is unacceptable to expose an i...,
Response blocking is often used t...,
Punishment has been shown to be m...
16  cards
The recurrence of a previously re...,
During extinction a person may em...,
Response blocking is a tempted fo...
6  cards
Thinning the time based reinforce...,
A student has learned to delay th...,
The fixed time or variable time s...
6  cards

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