This class was created by Brainscape user Joe Cunningham. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

primary tooth morphology and chronology
What complications may arise befo...,
How may resorption of the bone ab...,
How long does eruption last what ...
6  cards
primary tooth morphology
What differences can you see betw...,
What anatomical feature gives awa...,
What anatomical feature gives awa...
13  cards
general anaesthesia anatomy and physiology
What is ga,
Give some ways a child s respirat...,
Give some ways a child s anatomy ...
8  cards
indications, risks and benefits of GA
When may ga be indicated for a pa...,
When may ga not be indicated,
What are some major risks of ga
8  cards
GA consent and referral
How would the primary dentists in...,
What is gillick competent,
How would consent for ga be obtained
4  cards
Fluoride Varnish
When should 3 year olds receive f...,
How much fluoride varnish is give...,
What is the toxic dose of fluorid...
5  cards
When would a pulpectomy be given ...,
What are signs of a non vital pulp,
When would extraction be indicated
5  cards
Why would you do a pulpotomy,
What may be a contraindication of...,
When would a pulpotomy be considered
5  cards
Trauma Splint
When would you place a trauma splint,
How do you store a tooth before t...,
What is the process of placing th...
6  cards
Trauma History
In a medical history what may inf...,
What extra oral features should y...,
What detailed tests may be done f...
3  cards
Behaviour Management Techniques
How can communication be altered,
What is dental fear vs anxiety,
What non pharmacological ways can...
4  cards
Special Needs
What 4 types of disability are th...,
How may the dental team support s...,
Define learning disability
9  cards
Paediatric Perio
What are the classifications in t...,
What is classed as periodontal he...,
Clinically how is periodontal hea...
26  cards
What is a child in need,
What is child abuse neglect,
What are the 3 elements that must...
22  cards
Oral Medicine
What soft tissue infections may o...,
What is primary hermetic gingivos...,
What may cause outbursts of prima...
27  cards
Adult Consequences Of Childhood Trauma
What are some predictors for outc...,
Recommended timing for avulsion,
Recommended timing for alveolar f...
22  cards
Why do cleft lip and palate patie...,
What is the most common abnormali...,
What is the second most common ab...
11  cards
Childhood Cancer
What are cancers split into,
What is a haematological cancer,
What are solid tumours
8  cards
Clinical Dentistry
Give ohi for a paeds patient,
Eruption dates maxillary permanen...,
Eruption dates mandibular primary...
3  cards
Developmental Dental Abnormalities
Give some conditions associated w...,
What is often a large restorative...,
What are some abnormalities of to...
43  cards
Tx Of Intrinsic Discolouration Of Anterior Permanent Teeth In Children And Adolescents
Give some overarching treatments ...,
What pre op records are needed fo...,
How is ther
18  cards
Primary Tooth Trauma
How treat concussion in primary t...,
How treat subluxation in primary ...,
How treat lateral luxation in pri...
13  cards
Permanent Tooth Trauma
Tx for concussion in permanent teeth,
Tx for subluxation of permanent t...,
Tx of extrusion in permanent tooth
21  cards

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f - paeds

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