f106 enterprise risk management '24

This class was created by Brainscape user Tanya Mathebula. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

1. What is ERM?
Define risk management,
What is the objective of erm,
Define erm
7  cards
2. Why ERM?
What are the characteristics of a...,
Why might silo approach still be ...,
What are some potential sources t...
3  cards
3. Risk taxonomy
Risk concepts,
47  cards
4. Internal risk frameworks
What is the purpose of corporate ...,
What is purpose of line management
16  cards
5. Mandatory risk frameworks
List some of the prudential super...,
List examples of supervisors,
What are the roles of professiona...
13  cards
5. Mandatory risk frameworks II
Give examples of risk management ...,
What are the aims of the 3 basel ...,
What is the capital requirement s...
17  cards
6. Advisory risk frameworks
Describe the orange book on risk ...,
Outline the principles of rm in t...,
Describe the treasury board of ca...
12  cards
7. Proprietary risk frameworks
0  cards
8. ERM processes and structures
0  cards
9. Risk policy
0  cards
10. Monitoring and communication
0  cards
11. Stakeholders
0  cards
12. Corporate governance
0  cards
13. Risk identification
0  cards
14. Risk measurement
0  cards
15. Risk modelling
0  cards
16. Statistical distributions
0  cards
17. Time series analysus
0  cards
18. Copulas
0  cards
19. Fitting models
0  cards
20. EVT
0  cards
21. Models in ERM
0  cards
22. Analysing market risk
0  cards
23. Analysing credit risk
1  cards
24. Analysing operational risk
0  cards
25. Analysing other risks
0  cards
26. Risk optimisation and responses
0  cards
27. Managing market risk
0  cards
28. Managing credit risk
0  cards
29. Managing operational risks
0  cards
30. Capital management I
Why do we need capital,
What are the types of capital,
What are the two subsets of econo...
22  cards
30. Capital management II - regulatory capital
State the 3 tiers of capital outl...,
How is capital calculated under b...,
What is the cooke ratio
12  cards
30. Capital management III
What is the formula for raroc,
What is the formula for eic,
Which factors must you consider w...
4  cards
31, Implementing ERM
0  cards
32. Case studies
0  cards

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f106 enterprise risk management '24

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