This class was created by Brainscape user Lana Al Mashhadani. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (66)

AP Bio Unit 1: Chemistry of Life
What is polarity,
What is cohesion and adhesion,
How do organisms depend on waters...
47  cards
AP Bio Unit 2: Cell Structure and Function
Genomes are encased in what,
Go through 21 again,
Are ribosomes membrane enclosed s...
46  cards
AP Bio Unit 2.6
What s a concentration gradient,
What does a membrane typically do,
What is passive transport
12  cards
AP Bio 2.7
Facillitated diffusion requires,
What is facillitated diffusion,
What can be moved in facillitated...
11  cards
AP Bio 2.8
What is osmosis,
What is osmolarity,
What does tonicity affect
38  cards
AP Bio 2.9
What is diffusion,
What molecules move freely across...,
What are molecules that may move ...
7  cards
AP Bio 2.10
What s the use of a cells plasma ...,
What is compartmentalization,
What helps compartmentalization i...
5  cards
AP Bio 2.11
Both cell types eukaryotic and pr...,
What do prokaryotic cells lack,
What do eukaryotic cells possess
6  cards
AP Bio 3.1
Most enzymes are,
What are enzymes,
What do enzymes have
7  cards
AP Bio 3.2
What are enzymes,
How many reactions can each enzym...,
All reactions require
13  cards
[CH 21.2] Atomic Physics: Models of The Atom
How was the model of the atom new...,
What is the kinetic theory,
The model in newton s days was a ...
11  cards
AP Bio 3.3
What is the 3d shape of an enzyme...,
What is denaturization,
What can lead to denaturation
30  cards
Unit 5.1
What does meiosis ensure,
What does diploid mean,
What does haploid mean
21  cards
Unit 5.2
What does meiosis produce,
What are the certain processes th...,
What are homologous chromosomes
8  cards
Unit 5.3
What does heritable information p...,
What are the carriers of genetic ...,
How is genetic information transf...
23  cards
قلم زينب
من هو بطل القصة؟,
من هو حامد رطل؟,
من هي سماسم؟
4  cards
شعر المتنبي
نسب ومولد المتنبي,
لماذا لقب بالمتنبي؟,
ماذا علاقة المتنبي وسف الدولة؟
7  cards
أرق على أرق
ما هي العاطفة في القصيدة؟
1  cards
1  cards
الجملة الإسمية
ما هي اركان المبتدأ؟ حسب الكتاب,
هات مثل للضمير المنفصل,
هات مثل للإسم الإشارة
6  cards
درس حديث الإفك
ماذا كان يفل رسول الله صلى الله ع...,
من مرّ بعائشة اخذها معه؟,
ما هي الفاحشة في ابات الدرس؟
9  cards
درس السنن الربانية
ما هي السنن الشرطية؟,
سنن اخرى من السنن الحتمية
12  cards
درس المسؤولية في الإسلام
ما هي علاقة المسؤولية بالاختيار؟,
ما هي المسؤولة الدينية,
ما هي ال
6  cards
مقاصد التشريع الخمسة
ما هو طريقة حماية الدين ومنع الإع...,
ما هو مقصد الشرعي؟,
ما هو مقصد حفظ النفس
4  cards
التواصل الإجتماعي
ما معنى تستأنسوا,
ما معنى ازكى,
ما معنى بخمورهن
8  cards
المنهج النبوية في الرعاية الصحية
كيف يساعدنا الرعاية الصحية؟,
ما هي من المقومات التي تساعدنا في...,
لماذا جائت لنا من النبي صلى الله ...
7  cards
الخدمة الوطنية
# ``````من الذي اصدر القنون الاتح...,
ما هو القانون الاتحادي رقم ٦؟,
اي قانون اصدره الشيخ خليفة آل نهيان؟
5  cards
الزواج طريق للإستعفاف
معنى كلمة الأيامى,
7  cards
التفكير الإبداعي
ما هي الاأشياء التي تعين على الإب...,
ما هو المقصود بالتفكير الإبدابي,
من اكتشف الدورة الدموية؟
7  cards
فقه ترتيب الأعمال بحسب مقاصدها
هل من ان الأحسن تقديم المصلحة الع...,
ماذا يقصد بفقه ترتيب الأعمال؟
2  cards
extra islamic
كيف يكون ترتيب الأعمال؟
1  cards
ما هو مفهوم العولمة؟,
ما هو وجهة النظر الموضيدين للعولمة؟,
ما هو وجه نظر المعارضين للعولمة؟
5  cards
البيوع المحرمة
ما هم البيوع المحرمة؟,
ما هو الربا,
ما هي انواع الربا؟
28  cards
مفردات اخرى
21  cards
What do all living beings require,
What is the main energy input for...,
What to autotrophs capture energy...
11  cards
What do organisms capture and sto...,
What is photosythesis,
What does evidence go to show reg...
28  cards
Macbeth Act 3
Question what is the setting of a...,
Question who paces and contemplat...,
Question whom does macbeth hire t...
32  cards
Fermentation and cellular respira...,
What is a characteristic of all l...,
What s an example of a biological...
29  cards
3.6 no. 2
What is the purpose of glycolosis,
What is the fate of pyruvate,
What are the products of the kreb...
17  cards
How can variation in organisms be...,
What does variation increase,
What is individual fitness
7  cards
Vocabulary unit 7
20  cards
Vocabulary unit 8
20  cards
Glossary of Usage
A vs an,
Adapt vs adopt,
Effect vs affect
30  cards
Macbeth Act 4
Why does macbeth want macduff dead,
Who is malcolm,
Why did macduff flee
6  cards
Free-Response AP Bio
What are the 9 common ap biology ...,
Which two question stems are usua...,
How many points is a question wit...
16  cards
Unit 8
What s a troph,
What s a keystone species,
5  cards
Unit 4.1
How is the process of distance co...,
What are the main ways cells comm...,
How do some unicellular organisms...
12  cards
What is a signal transduction pat...,
Why do cells use signal transduct...,
How does a signal transduction pa...
18  cards
1 what role does the environment ...,
How are signal transduction pathw...,
What may signal transducrion lead to
4  cards
How can mutations in the receptor...,
How can chemicals activate a pathway,
How can chemicals inhibit a pathway
7  cards
1 what are feedback mechanisms,
2 how does negative feedback main...,
3 how does positive feedback affe...
11  cards
What will we learn 1 what is the ...,
What is the cell cycle,
What are the two highly regulated...
12  cards
4.6 no. 2
What will we learn today 1 what o...,
Daughter cells contain genomes th...,
What happens in prophase
6  cards
1 what are cell cycle checkpoints...,
What do internal controls or chec...,
What is the g1 checkpoint and wha...
14  cards
1  cards
Explain how meiosis results in th...,
Describe similarities and or diff...,
Explain how the process of meiosi...
8  cards
1 how do conserved processes supp...,
What s something that ensures the...,
What are carriers of genetic info...
24  cards
5.3 no 2
What are the two types of hypotheses,
What is the chi square goodness o...,
What are the steps to perform a c...
5  cards
1 what are linked genes,
2 what does map distance tell you...,
3 what are sex linked traits
12  cards
1 how does inheritance determined...,
2 how does non nuclear inheritanc...,
Can a trait be a product of multi...
7  cards
1 what is phenotypic plasticity 2...,
Can one genotype exhibit many phe...,
What re some examples of phenotyp...
3  cards
1 how does the law of segregation...,
The law of segregation explains t...,
Independent assortment suggests t...
14  cards
Chapter 18.1 Physics
What s a schematic diagram,
What does the filament of the lig...,
What is an electric circuit compo...
20  cards
18.2 Physics
What s the equation for the total...,
What s current,
When many resistors are connected...
22  cards
18.3 Physics
What s a fuse and what does it do,
What is a circuit breaker,
Solve page 646
15  cards
19.2 Physics
0  cards

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