This class was created by Brainscape user Adya Ranjan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

Passmed Corrections
1st line medication management fo...,
Urinary incontinence causes,
Urge incontinence management
86  cards
Dermatology+ENT+Opthal (passmed)
Erythema nodosum presentation,
Burns for what type of burn is iv...
57  cards
Itp mx,
Turner s syndrome associations,
Reflux nephropathy vesico ureteri...
73  cards
Ultrasound vs xray,
What is associated with synovial ...,
Indication for ve straight leg ra...
7  cards
Acute viral labrynthitis presenta...,
Meniere s disease presentation di...,
Presbyacusis presentation
16  cards
Septic arthritis acutely red infl...,
Differentiating between psoriatic...,
If patient is allergic to aspirin...
10  cards
Differentiating between episcleri...,
31  cards
Infectious Diseases
Antibiotic coverage guidelines,
Examples of broad spectrum abx,
Presentation difference between p...
16  cards
49  cards
Cocp risks and benefits,
Missed pill rule,
Chickenpox in pregnancy
33  cards
Generalised anxiety disorder mx,
Continuation of anti depressants,
Side effects of clozapine
21  cards
Which part of brain seizures cont...,
Normal pressure hydrocephalus pre...,
Brown sequard syndrome presentation
9  cards
UKMLA passmed(Derm)
Erythema multiforme,
Erythema nodosum,
Guttate psoriasis
39  cards
Med Crash course youtube: Psych
What neurotransmitter causes depr...,
Depression risk factors,
Grief vs depression
4  cards
Pyloric stenosis
12  cards
Obg (Passmed)
Pregnant women with a bp above 16...,
Most common site of ectopic pregn...,
Vitamin b12 deficiency most speci...
36  cards
Medicine passmed
Bradycardia symptomatic shock tre...,
Supraventricular tachycardia mx,
Regular broad complex tachycardia mx
46  cards
ENT and Psych
Symptoms of ssri discontinuation ...,
Subdural haematoma presentation,
Some symptoms of schizophrenia
26  cards
Infectious Diseases
Syphillis presentation and manage...,
Animal bite for eg cat bite mx,
Most common pathogen causing pyel...
27  cards
medicine zero to finals flashcards
Which dmard causes orange urine a...,
Renal conditions that may cause aki,
1st line dmard for treating sle
27  cards
Usual surgical management of inte...,
What nerve is commonly damaged du...,
What areas receive sensory innerv...
33  cards
ENT passmed
Diagnostic investigation for bppv...,
Presentation of infectious mononu...,
What is the next most appropriate...
24  cards
Antibodies for aki haemoptysis pa...,
Triad of symptoms in haemolytic u...
21  cards
Passmed (All)
Adults with suspected asthma diag...,
Aromatase inhibitors eg anastrozo...,
What investigations should be mon...
6  cards
Resp corrections
Child with asthma less than 17yrs...,
Difference in management between ...,
Bronchiectasis features
3  cards
geeky medics conditions (UKMLA 311)
Acute ascending cholangitis,
Acoustic neuroma,
Acute angle closure glaucoma
3  cards
SAQ book
Ckd stages based on egfr,
Other than diabetes 4 common caus...,
Why is a renal ultrasound arrange...
111  cards
high yield conditions
Zinc deficiency,
Venous ulcers
6  cards
SAQ exam 2 corrections- usually forget
Features of lung cancer,
1st line tx for cap dose,
3 ways to increase sputum production
67  cards
Obs passmed corrections (exam 2)
Most common cause of fever straig...,
Pregnant obese women bmi 30 kg m2...,
If a woman with known placenta pr...
27  cards
Gynae passmed correction (exam2)
Cervical cancer smear screening t...,
Most common cause of post menopau...,
Cervical cancer screening if smea...
6  cards
ortho passmed (2)
Common cause of bilateral carpal ...,
5 signs found in carpal tunnel sy...,
Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
29  cards
psych passmed (2)
What drug is most likely ssri to ...,
Obsessive compulsive personality ...
17  cards
Haem passmed (2)
Polycythaemia classical presentation,
Haemolysis features,
Common cause of tumour lysis synd...
18  cards
oncology (2)
Spinal cord compression on backgr...,
2 cancers that brca2 mutation is ...,
Presentation of spinal cord compr...
17  cards
sexual health (2)
Bacterial vaginosis mx,
Chlamydia mx,
Thrush mx
5  cards
Rheum (2)
Rheumatoid arthritis mx,
What condition has pencil in cup ...,
Rheumatoid arthritis x ray findin...
17  cards
passmed all (2)
Reason for isolated fever in well...,
Women having medical management o...,
When is warfarin preferred over doac
38  cards

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