This class was created by Brainscape user Sam Jacobs. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

What is delayed puberty in,
What is delayed puberty in girls ...,
What is the cause of primary amme...
153  cards
How is stroke managed
1  cards
What of couples have a problem wi...,
When are investigations done for ...,
List causes of infertility
169  cards
OSCE exams
Suggest what can be used when cou...,
How is the cerebellar exam conducted,
Outline how to conduct a hernia e...
5  cards
What is the qrisk3 score,
Who is offered atorvastatin,
What is the simon broome score
51  cards
What are risk factors for ihh,
What are the treatments for ihh,
What is syringomyelia
176  cards
Suggest some tests that should be...,
List two complications of acromegaly,
How is adrenal insufficiency managed
85  cards
What inheritance pattern is seen ...,
What is the amsterdam criteria fo...,
What are the main features of lyn...
104  cards
Metabolic medicine
What causes false low sodium levels,
What is the equation for serum os...
2  cards
What are the symptoms of iron def...,
What is classed as severe anaemia,
What is the definition of anaemia
25  cards
General practice
How is acne vulgaris managed,
How is moderate mild acne treated,
What is acne congloblata
7  cards
What are the symptoms of acute gl...,
How is glaucoma treated,
Suggest the correct doses for acu...
53  cards
OSCE stations
Discuss how to manage anaphylaxis...,
Chokinghow should choking be mana...,
Asthma and copdwhat questions sho...
42  cards
What does the z score test,
2  cards
What is involved in newborn life ...,
What is the apgar score,
What is the newborn life support ...
169  cards
Define anisometropia,
Define papillitis,
Define amblyopia
54  cards
Suggest the complication of otiti...,
What are some causes for otlagia,
Suggest the most common infection...
61  cards
What sign is shown here,
What is acanthosis nigricans,
What are the different terms to d...
56  cards
Renal disease
What are the types of lower tract...,
When should ramipril be started i...,
What is fibromuscular dysplasia
47  cards
What of communicating hydroceles ...,
How are most renal stones managed,
How are calcium kidney stones pre...
44  cards
Breast disease
When is an axillary node clearanc...,
What treatment should women have ...,
What is nact
9  cards
Vascular disease
What is the rutherford criteria,
What is the immediate treatment f...,
What is the long term management ...
19  cards
Colorectal and general surgery
Name the main scars found from ab...,
What is the aetiology of burns,
What are the types of burns
51  cards
What is a benefit of an epidural
1  cards

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