This class was created by Brainscape user Celina Gonzalez. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (108)

1 - Fundamentals of Clinical Dermatology
Combination of primary morphology...,
Primary morphology includes 2,
May be primary or secondary lesio...
9  cards
2 - Pathology of Skin Lesions
Number of reactive units 1,
Reactive units of the skin 2,
Cells that form bulk of the epide...
23  cards
3 - Epidemiology and Public Health
Provide the highest level of proo...,
Generalizability 2,
Attribute that increases the like...
40  cards
4 - Developmental Biology
Central cells of the epidermis 1,
Provides structural resiliency 2,
Central cells of the dermis 3
92  cards
5 - Growth and Differentiation of the Epidermis
Epidermal turnover occurs every 1,
Function of progenitor cells with...,
Function of differentiated cells 3
25  cards
6 - Skin Glands
Excrete their products into the h...,
Excrete directly into the skin su...,
Holocrine secretion 3
92  cards
7 - Biology of Hair Follicles
Primary purpose of hair in humans 1,
First hairs formed 2,
Lanugo hairs are shed 3
61  cards
8 - Nail
Essential in nail fate differenti...,
Actively proliferating nail cells...,
Where matrix cells differentiate ...
11  cards
9 - Cutaneous Vasculature
Blood vascular system is lined by...,
The endothelium is supported by v...,
Superficial vascular plexus locat...
53  cards
10 - The Immunological Structure of the Skin
Innate vs adaptive immunity rapid...,
Innate vs adaptive immunity capac...,
Innate vs adaptive immunity lack ...
64  cards
11 - Cellular Components of the Cutaneous Immune System
The innate immune system can adap...,
Primary cells of the adaptive imm...,
Key players of the innate immune ...
156  cards
12 - Soluble Mediators of the Cutaneous Immune System
Two major categories of soluble m...,
Soluble polypeptide mediators tha...,
Large superfamily of small cytoki...
247  cards
13 - Basic Principles of Immunologic Diseases in Skin (Pathophysiology of Immunologic/Inflammatory Skin Diseases)
Typically low molecular weight ch...,
Y n evidence suggesting that gene...,
Initial exposures to haptens that...
69  cards
14 - Skin Barrier
The tough outer protective layer ...,
Cell cell adhesive junction that ...,
The occlusive junction of inverte...
124  cards
15 - Epidermal and Dermal Adhesion
Major cellular structures involve...,
Basement membrane adhesion comple...,
Desmosome is also known as 3
128  cards
16 - Microbiome of the Skin
All the organisms their genomes a...,
Examine the genes that are active...,
Examine what proteins are present 3
28  cards
17 - Cutaneous Photobiology
Radiation can only cause a photob...,
Uv signature mutations 2,
Y n photoaging is reversible 3
68  cards
18 - Genetics in Relation to the Skin
The genetic basis of more than 20...,
The human genome ____ chromosomes...,
Autosomes are numbered in ascendi...
139  cards
19 - Carcinogenesis and Skin
Combined incidence of scc and bcc...,
Whereas single base mutations in ...,
_____ mutations are characteristi...
73  cards
20 - Pigmentation and Melanocyte Biology
Specialized cells of the epidermi...,
Melanin synthesis occurs in a spe...,
Y n melanocyte numbers are differ...
165  cards
22 - Atopic Dermatitis
Y n ad has a male preponderance 1,
Y n ad has higher prevalence rate...,
Y n in ad during infancy the diap...
65  cards
23 - Nummular Eczema, Lichen Simplex Chronicus, and Prurigo Nodularis
Y n nummular dermatitis lichen si...,
A large proportion of patients wi...,
Proposed triggers of nummular ecz...
11  cards
24 - Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Acd accounts for _____ of new inc...,
Most prevalent contact allergens ...,
Y n adults are more likely to dev...
85  cards
25 - Irritant Dermatitis
Y n irritant contact dermatitis p...,
Irritant chemicals by definition ...,
Y n when acute irritant and aller...
27  cards
26 - Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis usually app...,
Peak incidence of infantile sebor...,
Seborrheic dermatitis has a male ...
22  cards
27 - Occupational Skin Disease
Exposure classification of occupa...,
Vast majority of occupational ski...,
Occupational contact dermatitis c...
85  cards
28 - Psoriasis
Types of psoriasis based on age o...,
Also known as isomorphic response 2,
Koebner reaction usually occurs 3
119  cards
29 - Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris
Most cases of prp are familial sp...,
Etiology of prp 2,
Approximately _____ of prp are fa...
18  cards
30 - Parapsoriasis and Pityriasis Lichenoides
Peak incidence of parapsoriasis 1,
Lpp lesions are typically larger ...,
Poikiloderma is defined as the tr...
22  cards
31 - Pityriasis Rosea
Pr is most common in 1,
Pr is currently thought to be rel...,
Herald patch typically remains is...
13  cards
32 - Lichen Planus
Four ps 1,
____ immunity plays a major role ...,
Three stages in the pathogenesis ...
110  cards
33 - Lichen Nitidus and Lichen Striatus
Once considered a tuberculoid rea...,
Can help distinguish palmar liche...,
Classic histopathologic descripti...
9  cards
34 - Granuloma Annulare
Granuloma annulare presentation i...,
Clinical variants of granuloma an...,
Most common form of granuloma ann...
16  cards
35 - Sarcoidosis
Disease onset of sarcoidosis is m...,
Sarcoidosis has a higher incidenc...,
Highest prevalence of sarcoidisis...
40  cards
36 - Sweet Syndrome
Sweet syndrome is also known as 1,
Types of sweet syndrome 2,
Transparent vesicle like appearan...
22  cards
37 - Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Pg most commonly presents as the ...,
Up to 70 of reported pg cases are...,
Classification of pg 3
19  cards
38 - Subcorneal Pustular Dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson Disease)
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis is...,
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis is...,
Increased serum _____ has been de...
9  cards
39 - Autoinflammatory Disorders
Autoinflammatory disorders are di...,
Cryopyrin associated periodic syn...,
The spectrum of cryopyrin associa...
82  cards
40 - Eosinophilic Diseases
Eosinophils develop in the bone m...,
Stimulatory cytokines and growth ...,
Most selective eosinophil active ...
112  cards
41 - Urticaria and Angioedema
Local transient skin or mucosal e...,
Local and transient skin is mucos...,
Nonacute or chronic urticaria 3
68  cards
42 - Mastocytosis
Most cases of mastocytosis arise ...,
Mast cells arise from the bone ma...,
_____ a type iii tyrosine kinase ...
70  cards
43 - Erythema Multiforme
Em minor vs major 1,
Typical vs atypical em major 2,
Erosions of the eyes and mouth an...
24  cards
44 - Epidermal Necrolysis (SJS and TEN)
Highest incidence of en in 1,
Y n men and women are equally aff...,
Prognosis score for en 3
30  cards
45 - Cutaneous Reactions to Drugs
Exanthematous eruptions account f...,
Exanthematous eruptions typically...,
Y n pruritus is almost always abs...
62  cards
46 - Erythema Annulare Centrifugum and Other Figurate Erythemas
Prototype of figurate or reactive...,
Desquamation at the inner margin ...,
Y n eac is often asymptomatic 3
47  cards
47 - The Ichthyosis
Parental consanguinity may sugges...,
Chorionic villous sampling perfor...,
Amniocentesis performed in the 3
113  cards
48 - Inherited Palmoplantar Keratodermas
Most common form of diffuse kerat...,
Gene mutation epidermolytic palmo...,
Gene mutation nonepidermolytic pa...
47  cards
49 - Keratosis Pilaris and Other Follicular Keratotic Disorders
Orthokeratosis of the follicular ...,
Variant of keratosis pilaris in w...,
Hyperpigmentation in addition to ...
19  cards
50 - Acantholytic Disorders of the Skin
Mode of inheritance darier disease 1,
Darier disease also known as 2,
Age of onset 3
58  cards
51 - Porokeratosis
Porokeratosis usually occurs in 1,
Begins during infancy or childhood 2,
Giant porokeratoses may occur in ...
22  cards
52 - Pemphigus
4 types of pemphigus 1,
Localized forms of pemphigus vulg...,
Localized form of pemphigus folia...
45  cards
53 - Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
Malignancies associated with para...,
In children with pno _____ is alm...,
Patients with pnp have evidence o...
23  cards
54 - Bullous Pemphigoid
Most common autoimmune blistering...,
Bp autoantibodies directed against 2,
Lesions of bp are most commonly f...
13  cards
55 - Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
Most frequent sites of involvemen...,
Ocular lesions typically manifest...,
Early ocular disease is best appr...
11  cards
56 - Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita
Eba is cause by igg autoantibodie...,
Common sites of eba are 2,
Mode of inheritance of eba 3
27  cards
57 - Intercellular Immunoglobulin A Dermatosis (IgA Pemphigus)
Major types of intercellular immu...,
Superficial flaccid pustules in t...,
Atypical pustular skin lesions wi...
13  cards
58 - Linear Immunoglobulin A Dermatosis and Chronic Bullous Disease of Childhood
Drug induced linear iga is associ...,
Linear iga dermatosis onset typic...,
Chronic bullous disease of childh...
20  cards
59 - Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Dominant autoantigen in dh 1,
Patients with dh have an associat...,
Usual distribution of dh lesions 3
14  cards
60 - Inherited Epidermolysis Bullosa
Blistering level categories in in...,
Major constituent of anchoring fi...,
Traditionally the diagnostic gold...
63  cards
61 - Lupus Erythematosus
The term le specific relates to t...,
Most frequent clinical manifestat...,
Second most frequent clinical man...
82  cards
62 - Dermatomyositis
Have the characteristic rash of d...,
Have the characteristic dm rash b...,
_____ of patients have cadm 3
95  cards
63 - Systemic Sclerosis
Women men are more frequently aff...,
Age onset of systemic sclerosis 2,
Y n systemic sclerosis has the hi...
66  cards
64 - Morphea and Lichen Sclerosus
Y n organ involvement in morphea ...,
Morphea is more common in males f...,
Most common pediatric subtype of ...
70  cards
65 - Psoriatic Arthritis and Reactive Arthritis
Most widely accepted and define i...,
A classification of psa is met if...,
Unlike psoriasis psa which has a ...
92  cards
66 - Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Adult-Onset Still Disease, and Rheumatic Fever
Most common dermatologic finding ...,
Usual location of rheumatoid nodu...,
Development of rheumatoid nodules...
78  cards
67 - Scleredema and Scleromyxedema
Skin disorder characterized by in...,
Skin disorder characterized by ex...,
Skin disorder characterized by fi...
24  cards
68 - Sjogren Syndrome
Chronic systemic autoimmune disor...,
Isolated ss disorder 2,
Ss associated with other autoimmu...
69  cards
69 - Relapsing Polychondritis
Most frequence occurrence in rela...,
Most common manifestations of ocu...,
T cells in rp are primarily 3
10  cards
72 - Genetic Disorders affecting Dermal Connective Tissue
A variety of genetically and clin...,
Most clinically significant eds s...,
Overlap with joint hypermobility ...
87  cards
70 - Anetoderma and Other Atrophic Disorders of the Skin
The lesions in anetoderma usually...,
Anetoderma can be associated with...,
Characteristic lesions are flacci...
42  cards
71 - Acquired Perforating Disorders
Familial primary perforating diso...,
Adult onset nonfamilial acquired ...,
4 separate clinicohistopathologic...
21  cards
78 - Acne Vulgaris
The prevalence of acne is adolesc...,
Two indigenous populations that h...,
Drug induced acne may be caused by 3
105  cards
79 - Rosacea
Rosacea affects men women more th...,
Hallmark of rosacea 2,
Characteristic of male patients w...
56  cards
80 - Acne Variants and Acneiform Eruptions
Neonatal acne can occur in up to ...,
Neonatal acne lesions usually app...,
_____ a normal commensal on human...
64  cards
81 - Hyperhidrosis and Anhidrosis
Eccrine sweat glands are innervat...,
Main neurotransmitter on eccrine ...,
Excessive sweating of the palms a...
42  cards
82 - Bromhidrosis and Chromhidrosis
Body odor 1,
Offensive body odor that is exces...,
Bromhidrosis is most often report...
30  cards
83 - Fox-Fordyce Disease
Chronic itchy papular eruption in...,
Fox fordyce disease is otherwise ...,
Fox fordyce disease disproportion...
17  cards
84 - Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa is other...,
Characterized by recurrent deep s...,
Men women are disproportionately ...
54  cards
85 - Androgenetic Alopecia
Most common type of hair loss 1,
Most frequent clinical pattern in...,
Most common type of aga in women 3
33  cards
86 - Telogen Effluvium
Characterized by a premature term...,
Most common cause of diffuse hair...,
Approximately the loss of more th...
32  cards
87 - Alopecia Areata
Y n alopecia areata is the most c...,
Most common form of alopecia seen...,
Of patients suffering from alopec...
20  cards
88 - Cicatricial Alopecias
Refers to a group of idiopathic i...,
Can be caused by almost any cutan...,
Primary cicatricial alopecias are...
36  cards
91 - Nail Disorders
Complete or almost complete lack ...,
No terminal phalanx and no nail g...,
Half side index fingernail hypopl...
185  cards
96 - Solar Urticaria
Subforms of chronic inducible urt...,
Solar urticaria usually is primar...,
Solar urticaria predominantly aff...
17  cards
97 - Phototoxicity and Photoallergy
Well characterized examples of ph...,
Result of direct tissue injury ca...,
Type iv delayed hypersensitivity ...
40  cards
98 - Cold Injuries
Y n the human capacity for physio...,
The body can maintain a constant ...,
Core body temperature is prioriti...
58  cards
99 - Burns
Two independent systems of descri...,
Involve only the epidermis 2,
Involves epidermis and papillary ...
106  cards
100 - Delusional, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Factitious Skin Diseases
It is estimated that approximatel...,
Primary skin diseases that can be...,
Skin diseases are also known to l...
45  cards
108 - Benign Epithelial Tumors, Hamartomas, and Hyperplasias
Most common acquired benign epith...,
Most common malignancy associated...,
Second most common malignancy ass...
35  cards
105 - Skin Changes and Diseases in Pregnancy
Most common physiologic change in...,
Y n significant change in nevi si...,
Y n any pigmented lesion in a pre...
34  cards
114 - Paget's Disease
Y n mammary paget s disease is ty...,
Y n most cases of empd are not as...,
Most commonly affected area in em...
15  cards
118 - Vasular Tumors
Vascular anomalies are broadly di...,
Errors of vascular morphogenesis 2,
Vascular tumors are subdivided in...
102  cards
130 - Hereditary Disorders of Genome Instability and DNA Repair
Y n although hereditary disorders...,
Spontaneous genome instability is...,
Genome instability is present in ...
85  cards
139 - Systemic Necrotizing Arteritis
Predominantly small vessel vascul...,
Predominantly medium vessel 2,
Predominantly large vessel 3
57  cards
140 - Erythema Elevatum Diutinum
Eed may present at any age but is...,
Eed typically first presents as e...,
A hypothesis in the pathogenesis ...
9  cards
141 - Amantiades-Behcet Disease
Y n amantiades behcet disease is ...,
Adamantiades behcet occurs worldw...,
Adamantiades behcet disease most ...
33  cards
142 - Kawasaki Disease
Leading cause of acquired heart d...,
Classic kd is diagnosed in a pati...,
Other terms for kd 3
38  cards
143 - Pigmented Purpuric Dermatoses
Usual symptom associated with pig...,
Granulomatous variant of pdd has ...,
In general ppds occur more freque...
10  cards
144 - Cryoglobulinemia and Cryofibrogenemia
Circulating immunoglobulins in bo...,
Result form precipitation of fibr...,
Cryoglobulinemia and cryofibrogen...
44  cards
156 - Miscellaneous Bacterial Infections with Cutaneous Manifestations
Bioweapon potential a 1,
Bioweapon potential b 2,
Gram positive bacteria 3
126  cards
157 - Tuberculosis and Infections with Atypical Mycobacteria
Main cause of death in patients i...,
Highest burden of tb in the follo...,
In contrast to the obligate patho...
78  cards
159 - Leprosy
Besides humans m leprae is also f...,
More than 805 of all new cases ar...,
Has the highest number of leprosy...
46  cards
175 - Gonorrhea, Mycoplasma, and Vaginosis (INCOMPLETE)
Gram negative aerobic coccus shap...,
Gonococcal infections were termed...,
Before the advent of antibiotic _...
116  cards
163 - Exanthematous Viral Diseases
Prodrome of fever cough coryza an...,
_____ spots are pathognomonic of ...,
Measles virus is a highly contagi...
166  cards
164 - Herpes Simplex
Most prevalent sexually transmitt...,
The incidence of primary infectio...,
Acquisition of hsv 2 correlates w...
59  cards
171 - Endemic (Nonvenereal) Treponematoses
Endemic treponematoses include 1,
Important differences between the...,
Most benign of endemic treponemat...
47  cards
172 - Chancroid
Painful soft ulcers with ragged u...,
Causative agent of chancroid 2,
The duration of infectivity of ch...
10  cards
198 - Phototherapy
Most common short term adverse ef...,
Uvb phototoxicity usually peaks a...,
Long term follow up studies estab...
90  cards

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Fitz 9th

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Decks: 1 Fundamentals Of Clinical Dermatology, 2 Pathology Of Skin Lesions, 3 Epidemiology And Public Health, And more!
Derm Fitz
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Decks: Section 27 Viral Diseases, Section 25 Bacterial Infections, Section 26 Fungal Infections, And more!
  • 6 decks
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  • 1 learners
Decks: Chapter 10, Chap 57 Iga Pemphigus, Chap 58 Liga And Cbdc, And more!
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