This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Bellantoni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Treatment Planning and Biomechanics
What is a fixed partial denture b...,
What is the abutment,
What is the retainer
59  cards
What is a simple fpd for,
What is a complex fpd for,
What are most failures in fpds ar...
78  cards
Lecture 3 - Ceramic Restorations
What are the applications for cer...,
What are the benefits of ceramics,
Can dentin color be shown through...
111  cards
Lecture 4- Metal Ceramics
What does a pfm crown consist of,
How thick does the metal coping n...,
How thick does the metal coping n...
105  cards
Week 5- Pontics
What dimension does bone loss of ...,
What percentage of alveolar bone ...,
Alveolar bone loss has been repor...
102  cards
week 6- Cementation
What are the steps for delivering...,
What should you look for in your ...,
What frameworks is it necessary t...
83  cards
Lecture 7 - Wax up Provisional and Lab Communication
What are the elements used as par...,
What is the sequence in the diagn...,
What are the steps in the diagnos...
35  cards
Lecture 8 - Drug Variability and Harmful Effects
What is variation,
Variation can result from,
Variation is a different response...
85  cards
What is an onlay,
What are the indications for an o...,
When done well an onlay with appr...
18  cards
Esthetics refers to,
What are the 3 main categories of...,
What is included in facial esthetics
63  cards
Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth
Once a tooth is rct treated the t...,
After rct the teeth become,
What are the considerations when ...
117  cards
Fluid Control
What is fluid control,
What happens when you have too mu...,
What is gingival control
82  cards
Erosion, Abrasion, and Attrition
What is tooth wear,
Normal vertical loss of enamel re...,
What are the categories of tooth ...
14  cards

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fixed pros ii

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