This class was created by Brainscape user Annabella Moody. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Quiz 1
Which of the following are expect...,
In preparing a four unit bridge y...,
In the photo below we see an exam...
5  cards
Quiz 2
This patient reports he does not ...,
When compared to a 3 unit bridge ...,
Please choose the correct answer ...
5  cards
Quiz 3
If a zirconia crown is chosen to ...,
T f zirconia is a strong material...,
At a social gathering a friend of...
5  cards
Quiz 4
These pfm crowns were placed 10 y...,
What is the most likely result of...,
Which of the following are not pa...
5  cards
Quiz 5
What would be the most likely cla...,
Which of the following is conside...,
Which of the following is a true ...
5  cards
Quiz 6
The following steps during a brid...,
The following steps during a brid...,
These two teeth 2 and 3 have been...
5  cards
Quiz 7
Please refer to the following pho...,
Please refer to the following pho...,
Please refer to the photo in answ...
5  cards
L1: Treatment planning & Biomechanics of FPD
Fpd may also be called,
A dental prosthesis definitively ...,
Label the following image
108  cards
L2: Biomechanics and FPD Problems
What are the two types of fpds,
List the parameters for a simple fpd,
If someone has two abutments they...
148  cards
L3: Ceramics & Zirconia
Ceramic applications include,
List the benefits of ceramics 2,
Why is ceramics most beneficial f...
186  cards
L4: Metal Ceramic Restorations
What are the components of metal ...,
For a pfm the metal coping should...,
Where porcelain is not overlayed ...
62  cards
Quiz 9
Patient presents in your office t...,
Tooth 19 is treatment planned for...,
Replacement choices for the worn ...
5  cards
Quiz 10
This is a patient in full smile w...,
A patient with a _________ e plan...,
This patient complains that her s...
5  cards
Quiz 11
Patient presents in your chair fo...,
Which of the following are reason...,
In the photo you see tooth 29 whi...
5  cards
Quiz 12
Tooth 4 is being prepared for a c...,
Teeth 9 and 10 are crowns placed ...,
You have initially prepared this ...
5  cards

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fixed prosthodontics ii

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