flashcards are back!

This class was created by Brainscape user Matthew Lit. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

19  cards
1.2 - Les Cellules
C est quoi la theorie cellule,
What are organisms with one cell ...,
What are organisms with two cells...
27  cards
1.3 - Les microorganismes
An organism that helps the bacter...,
An organism that helps the bacter...,
Do they have a noyau
19  cards
1.3 Extended - The food cycle
These extended decks are here if you got 100% on the main deck, but haven't really memorized some random important names.
4  cards
1.4 Metabolisme des cellules
What is another name for synthese...,
What is metabolisme,
What is the opposite of metabolisme
29  cards
1.5 - Le corps humain
Which system is made of vaisseaux...,
I am in the middle of making flas...,
How many appareils et systemes es...
39  cards
1.5 Extended - Rules of systems and appereils.
If you really want to memorize those dull points, study here in addition to the regular deck.
3  cards
1.6 pt.1- Le système immunitaire
Up to the memory part of the document: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ATCfoAMtmUmGITl-x7pPT84OxFPuu5D
35  cards
1.6 pt.2 - Les vaccins et allergies
How does a vaccine work,
What did edward jenner find throu...,
What did the works of louis paste...
22  cards
2.1 - Les proprieties des ondes
What is the definition of an onde,
What is the definition of energie,
La position de repos
22  cards
2-2 - La Lumiere
C est quoi un modele,
C est quoi le modele ondulatoire,
What does
12  cards
2-3 - La lumiere et la spectre electromagnetique
L energie qui voyage par irradiation,
Energie de rayonnement,
Whats the type of onde with longe...
30  cards
Eye thing
Where is the eye situated,
Cavite du crane,
Les larmes
27  cards
What causes diffusion to happen,
What does the la membrane de la c...,
What does
14  cards
30  cards

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flashcards are back!

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Brainscape's adaptive web mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

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What's Brainscape anyway?

Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

We use an adaptive study algorithm that is proven to help you learn faster and remember longer....

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