This class was created by Brainscape user James Delaney. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (60)

Integumentary system,
Skeletal system,
Muscular system
14  cards
1.2 Intro To Anatomy, Physiology And Payhology
Systemic anatomy
35  cards
X ray,
What is x ray good for,
X ray contradictions and risks
16  cards
1.4 From Atoms To Macromolecules
Molecules and compounds
14  cards
1.5 Upcoming Lecture
1  cards
1.6 Homeostasis
Negative feedback loop process,
Negative feedback loop with temp eg
19  cards
Anatomy Regions
44  cards
Health And Society
Cultural safety
1  cards
14  cards
Primary structure,
Secondary structure,
Tertiary structure
21  cards
2.5 Cellular communication
4 modes of signalling,
Contact depending signalling,
Autocrine signalling
12  cards
2.1 DNA
Dna replication,
Dna damage causes,
Types of dna damage
6  cards
2.4 Cell aging and death
Apoptosis vs necrosis
1  cards
Health of Popultions
Demographic transitions,
Epidemiological transition
2  cards
G1 phase,
S phase
23  cards
2.7 Cell stress and cancer
8  cards
2.8 Intro to pathology
Explain the link between receptor...,
11  cards
Molecular Biology Proc
Western immunoblotting,
Western imonoblotting steps
2  cards
Cell signalling
Contact dependent signalling,
Junction adhesion molecules,
Gap junctions
7  cards
3.1 Blood Vessels
Structure and function of elastic...,
Structure of capillary bed,
Hev venule
8  cards
3.2 Blood Vessel Histologgy
Blood vessel wall is made of,
Blood vessel lumen,
Types of arteries
17  cards
3.3 Blood
Functions of blood,
Components of blood,
Water function in blood
18  cards
History Taking
Symptom vs sign,
Presenting complaint,
8  cards
Make these rn
Polymerase chain reaction pcr cri...
2  cards
3.4 Heart + Anatomy
27  cards
3.7 Homeostastic Regulation Of The Heart
Cardiac output,
How is cardiac output level contr...,
Frank starling mechanism
8  cards
3.5 Conduction System Of Heart And Heart Cycle
What makes up the conduction syst...,
Electrical conduction system of t...,
Order of electrical conduction sy...
10  cards
3.6 Blood Pressure
What two factors determine blood ...,
Pulse pressure,
Mea arterial pressure
12  cards
4- Confidentiality
Why is keeping patient informatio...
1  cards
4 - Vital Signs And ISBAR (Clin Prac)
Blood pressure,
Heart rate,
Respiratory rate
24  cards
4- The Four Princples Of Ethics
Four classic biomedical principles,
Respect of autonomy,
Autonomous choices
5  cards
4.1 Into To Respiratory System
List functions of the larynx,
List functions of the nasal cavity,
Upper airway
5  cards
4.2 Lower Respiratory System
Tidal volume,
Why does air travel into lungs,
Muscles involved in breathing
14  cards
4.3 Airway Histology
Wall layers of airways,
12  cards
4.4 Mechanism of Ventilation
Mechanisms of ventilation,
Functional features and the role ...,
Structures and functions of the a...
3  cards
4.5 Gas Exchange
What determines how much diffuses,
5  cards
Homeostatic Control Of Respiration
Outline how the respiratory syste...,
Describe the control mechanisms r...,
Carotid body
5  cards
5. Cardiac History Taking
Questions to ask the patient with...,
Angina symptoms
7  cards
5.1 intro to nervous system
Anatomical divisions of the nervo...,
Functional divisions,
Somatic nervous system
30  cards
5 - Determinants of Health
Determinants of health
5  cards
5.2 Neuron communication
Action potential,
Membrane potential
13  cards
5 nervous system anatomy
29  cards
5.3 synpases
Outline the role of neurotransmit...,
Sequence of events for synapse si...,
Outline the role of neurotransmit...
15  cards
Layer 1 of neo cortex,
Layer 2 and 3 of neocortex,
Layer 4 of neocortex
14  cards
Anterior circulation originate fr...,
Posterior circulation from where,
Vertebral arteries
8  cards
6.1 spinal cord and motor control
Spinal cord strcuture,
Dorsal root,
Spinal cord central canal
10  cards
6.2 Spinal Cord and Somatosensory Pathways
Types specialised nociceptors,
8  cards
6.3 ans
Divisions of ans,
Alpha 1 adrenergic receptors,
Alpha 2 adrenergic receptors
7  cards
6.4 special senses
Visual pathway,
Auditory pathway,
Gustatory process
4  cards
6.5 Human skeleton
Short bones,
Long bones,
Flat bones
7  cards
6.6 bone and tissue structure
10  cards
6.8 joint classification
Functional classifications of joints,
8  cards
Endocrine glands and hormone types
Hormone types,
Peptide protein hormones,
Steriod hormones
5  cards
7.2 Hormone Mechanisms of Action And Regulation
Types of cell surface receptors,
Receptor channel,
Receptor enzyme
15  cards
7.3 The Pancrease, Insulin And Glucagon
How does insulin secretion occur,
2  cards
7.4 Hypothalamus And Pitautry Gland
How do the hypothalamus and pitua...,
Pituitary gland anatomy,
Hormones secreted from pituitary ...
8  cards
7.5 Growth hormones
Describe the growth promoting and...,
Outline how the secretion of grow...,
Describe the potential causes and...
5  cards
9. H&S
Steps in a food borne outbreak in...,
Case control study
2  cards
10.2 Innate Immunity
Anatomical barriers,
Antimicrobial barriers,
3  cards
10.1 Skin
Layers of skin,
Thick skin,
Thin skin
11  cards

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