food technology.

This class was created by Brainscape user Sasha Mihajlovic- guest. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

micro nutrients.
Phosphorus function sources exces...,
14  cards
food hygiene and safety.
0  cards
food storge.
How should food be stored,
How should raw meat fish and eggs...,
Where do raw vegetables be kept a...
13  cards
cross contamination.
Why is it essential to control th...,
How would you control the conditi...,
What happens collectively if an i...
46  cards
cooking methods.
Conduction how is heat transferred,
Conduction what happens in terms ...,
Example of conduction
9  cards
Fats function,
Fats sources,
Fats saturated
40  cards
dietary needs.
Nutritional requirements for adults
1  cards
healthy eating: eat well guide.
What is the eatwell guide,
What are the food groups on the e...,
What is the biggest segment on th...
9  cards
enzymic browning.
Where does it occur and give an e...,
Why does it happen,
What can it be prevented inhibite...
3  cards
microorganisms used in cheese production eg: blue cheese.
What cheeses rely on the characte...,
How do you make blue cheese blue,
How do you make soft ripened cheese
4  cards
function of gluten in bread.
When is gluten produced,
What does the elasticity help do,
What does wheat flour contain and...
7  cards
function of yeast and growth requirements.
What type of raising agent it it,
What does it do,
Conditions what temperature is ne...
13  cards
emulsification & emulsions eg: mayonnaise.
What are emulsions and give an ex...,
What are immiscible liquids,
What do emulsifiers have and what...
10  cards
sensory testing- controlled conditions/ food bias.
What is the first stage in carryi...,
What is the second stage in carry...,
What is the third stage in carryi...
6  cards
seasonal foods- what it is, advantages & disadvantages.
What are seasonal foods,
What do in season foods that are ...,
What does buying locally produced...
5  cards
food waste and packaging.
What are the 14 allergens that ne...,
Who controls the information on f...,
What is required to be on food la...
13  cards

More about
food technology.

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