This class was created by Brainscape user Liberty Heaslip. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

top down approach
Define offender profiling,
What is the aim of offender profi...,
What is the role of professional ...
13  cards
bottom up approach
What dos the bottom up approach e...,
Define probability,
What is the purpose of the bottom...
18  cards
biological explanations: historical approach
What did lombroso in 1876 suggest...,
What was lombroso s book caled,
Why is lombroso s historical appr...
13  cards
genetic explanations of offending
Give the numbers of participants ...,
Give the numbers of participants ...,
Give the findings from crow s res...
11  cards
neural explanations of offending
Define neural differences,
What is the evidence for neural d...,
What does apd stand for
10  cards
Eysenck's theory of criminal personality
What type of theory is eysenck s ...,
What are the 2 dimensions eysenck...,
What third dimension was added la...
15  cards
Kohlberg's moral reasoning theory
What did kohlberg say about moral...,
Define moral dilemma,
What is the link between level of...
12  cards
Cognitive Distortions
Define cognitive distortions,
What are the 2 types of cognitive...,
Define hostile attribution bias
7  cards
Differential Association Theory
What is differential theory,
Revise social learning theory oan...,
Who was differential association ...
11  cards
Psychodynamic explanation
What is the psychodynamic explain...,
When talking about the psychodyna...,
What stage is the superego formed
12  cards
dealing with offending behaviour: custodial sentencing
What are the 4 reasons for using ...,
Define deterrence in terms of off...,
Define incapacitation in terms of...
11  cards
dealing with offending behaviour: behaviour modification
What is the aim of behaviour modi...,
Give an example of a type of beha...,
What is a token economy system ba...
12  cards
dealing with offending behaviour: restorative justice
What is restorative justice,
How do restorative justice progra...,
What is the focus of restorative ...
5  cards
dealing with offending behaviour: anger management
Define anger management,
What is the aim of anger management,
Where can anger management be off...
9  cards

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