
This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Harris. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

280 how are organisms able to res...,
287 what is the cns made up of,
282 what does a co ordinated resp...
6  cards
The Eye
Function of the cornea,
What is the cornea,
Function of the pupil
34  cards
Where is adrenaline produced,
Where is insulin produced,
Where is glucagon produced
27  cards
What happens to a plant when it i...,
What is a geogtrophic response,
What is a pghototrophism
14  cards
What s happes when you are too hot,
What happens when you are cold,
What is homeostasis
7  cards
1. The Nature And Variety Of Living Organisms
What groups of organisms are euka...,
What groups of organisms are prok...,
Are plants multicellular or singl...
35  cards
2.Structure And Functions In Living Organisms
What is the role of enzymes,
How does temperature affect enzym...,
How des ph affect enzyme function
44  cards
3. Reproduction And Inheritance
List the differences between sexu...,
How does fertilisation take place,
How is the female reproductive sy...
8  cards
learning outcomes for harnessing biology
How can selective breeding develo...,
How can selective breeding develo...,
51 how can glasshouses and polyth...
26  cards
What is the c for in corms,
What is the o for in corms,
What is the r for in corms
5  cards
What is the m for in mavarips,
What is the first a for in mavarips,
What is the v for in mavarips
8  cards
reproduction and inheritance 2
What is the definition of an allele,
What is the definition of a domin...,
What is the definition of a reces...
14  cards
ecology and the enviroment
What is the definition of a producer,
What is the definition of a consumer,
What is the definition of a
9  cards
use of biological resources
What are the uses for an industri...,
What does the cooling jacket do i...,
What does the air filter do in an...
7  cards
protein synthesis
What does dna store,
What does dna contain,
Where is dna found in eukaryotes ...
13  cards
questions idk
Suggest why a ratio is not obtain...,
Describe the differences between ...
2  cards
things idk from the spec
What is a pathogenic example of a...,
What are 2 examples of a bacteria,
What are some examples of viruses
135  cards
pathway of blood
Describe the first stage of blood...,
Describe the 2nd stage of the blo...,
Describe the 3rd stage of the blo...
5  cards

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