from molecules to cells biol10232

This class was created by Brainscape user Zoe Bee. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

L8-Trafficking, organelles and diseases
What are the symptons of cf cause...,
Whats the most common mutation fo...,
Why is cf an er storage disease
26  cards
L7- Exocytosis, endocytosis and the plasma membrane
There are 2 types of exocytosis w...,
1 constitutive exocytiosis suppli...,
Regulated secretion only release ...
38  cards
L1- Organelles
What is the cytosol,
What is the nucleus,
What are the mitochondria
6  cards
L5- The ER
What is the er s structure,
What is rough er,
How much er is there in a cell
39  cards
L6- The secretary pathway
What do all mechanisms of protein...,
What determines a protein s final...,
What does a kdel sequence at the ...
17  cards
L10- Cell communication 2
How is signal transduction specific,
What must signal transduction be,
How can transient signal transduc...
18  cards
L11- Cell communication 3
What does dag recruit to the memb...,
What does pkc do,
What else is needed to activate pkc
14  cards
L12- Cell cycle: controlling when to divide
What are the steps in the cell cy...,
When is the cell cycle not the same,
Is there an s phase between divis...
14  cards
L13- Control of proliferation and differentiation
What are the different cyclin cdk...,
What are all the cyclin cdk compl...,
If there is no signal to enter ce...
24  cards
L14- Cancer
What is cancer,
What is a benign tumour,
What is a malignant tumour
18  cards
L15- Cell death
What is necrosis,
What is apoptosis,
What happens first to the apoptot...
19  cards
L16- The cytoskeleton 1
What are the 3 basic principles o...,
What are the 3 types of cytoskele...,
In which organisms are intermedia...
21  cards
L17- the cytoskeleton 2
What does spontaneous polymerisat...,
How do cells nucleate microtubule...,
How do microtubules grow from cen...
24  cards
L18- Movement along actin filaments and microtubules
Where do motor proteins get energ...,
Give 3 motor protein families and...,
In which direction of microtubule...
19  cards
L19- Mechanisms of cell division 1
What happens in each of these sta...,
From s phase onwards what are the...,
What does the centrosome duplicat...
24  cards
L20- Mechanics of cell division 2
What does the metaphase checkpoin...,
What does the metaphase checkpoin...,
What triggers the exit from metap...
19  cards
L21- Extracellular Matrix and Connective Tissues
Why is cellulose so strong,
How do cellulose fibres resist st...,
How do microtubules affect cellulose
22  cards

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from molecules to cells biol10232

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