functional anatomy year 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Tomas Gianoli. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Week 3 - The hip/Pelvic region
0  cards
Muscles of the Pelvis/Hip
What are the 6 hip flexors,
What are the 5 hip flexors,
What are the 5 hip adductors
6  cards
Origins + Insertions of muscles that cross the Pelvis/Hip
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...
24  cards
Actions of muscles that cross the hip
What is the action of the gluteus...,
What is the action of the gluteus...,
What is the action of the iliacus...
24  cards
Ligaments of the Pelvis/Hip + their attachments
What are the 6 ligaments that can...,
What are the 6 ligaments that can...,
What are the 5 hip joint ligaments
19  cards
Actions ligaments of the Pelvis limit
What action does the anterior lon...,
What action does the iliolumbar l...,
What action does the supraspinous...
13  cards
Ligaments - Extended knowledge
What hip joint ligament out of th...,
What does the transverse acetabul...,
What does the ligamentous teres do
5  cards
Males versus Females Pelvis'
What are the 2 main principal sou...,
What are 5 differences between ma...,
What is the obstetrical dilemma
3  cards
Week 4 - The thigh
0  cards
Origins + insertions of muscles that surround the thigh
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...
6  cards
Actions of muscles in the thigh
What are the actions of the 3 vas...
2  cards
The femoral triangle
What are the borders of the femor...,
What is the floor of the femoral ...,
What is the roof of the femoral t...
4  cards
The adductor canal
Where does the adductor canal begin,
What can the adductor canal also ...,
What are the walls of the adducto...
4  cards
Extended knowledge
Describe the quadricep and patell...,
What is the articularis genu,
What is the function of the artic...
10  cards
Week 5 - The knee
0  cards
The popliteal fossa
What is the popliteal fossa,
What are the borders of the popli...,
What is the roof od the popliteal...
5  cards
Features of the distal femur
What is the medial condyle,
What is the lateral condyle,
What attaches to the medial epico...
8  cards
The knee joint
What is the knee joint,
What do sesamoid bones do,
What is the largest sesamoid bone...
7  cards
Ligaments of the knee + their attachments
What are the,
What does the lateral collateral ...,
What does the medial collateral l...
12  cards
Actions ligaments of the knee limit
What action does the lateral coll...,
What action does the medial colla...,
What action does the acl limit
8  cards
Extended knowledge
Describe how movement occurs at t...,
What act as attachment points for...,
How many
8  cards
Week 6 - Leg and ankle
0  cards

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functional anatomy year 1

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